More than 6,000 students are missing to enroll in Huila

by time news

2023-04-29 19:10:54

A recent report on the coverage area of ​​the Secretary of Education of Huila, indicated that there are already more than 121,000 students enrolled as of January 16, 2023.

Neiva, January 19, 2022. The Departmental Education Secretary, who guides Milena Oliveros Crespo, through the coverage area, continues to call on parents to continue with the enrollment process in the educational institutions of the 35 non-certified municipalities served by the Huila government grows.

“In the government of the engineer, Luis Enrique Dussán López, it is an educational imperative to promote the most important thing in the development of the being, such as education. For this reason, under the ‘Our Children are First’ campaign, we can say that there are already 121,875 children and adolescents enrolled, as of January 16, in a process that began on December 1, 2022 and ends on December 29. January 2023,” said Leydy Gómez Benitez, leader of the coverage area of ​​the Ministry of Education.

The official added that there are still more than 6,000 students to enroll in public educational establishments in Huila, except for the Municipalities of Pitalito and Neiva, which are not under the Department’s responsibility.

“According to the 2023 projection, carried out by each of the educational institutions that are part of the Huila Governorate, the population to enroll is 128,070 students in the departmental territory. We still have to enroll, 6,195 students. That is why we call on parents and/or guardians to go to the educational institution closest to their place of residence, and enroll their children,” added the official.

Educational Brigade ‘Our Children are First, Enroll them Now’

Mayors, municipal social managers, municipal education secretaries, municipal liaisons, Familias en Acción, Red Unidos, Nucleus directors, and rectors of each of the educational institutions, are called to actively participate in the fourteenth (14) brigade education 2023, Our Children are First.

“It is a brigade that is authorized and signed by circular by our Secretary of Education, Milena Oliveros, and which will take place on January 27, 28, 29 and 30 of this year, to which everyone is invited, to unite to facilitate and promote student enrollment, locate those who are not yet enrolled or who are outside the educational system, because children come first, and they should be in educational institutions and not doing jobs. Their role is to study and we must ensure that they are in schools and colleges”, concluded Leydy Gómez.

Number of visits to this page 41

Publication date 01/19/2023

Last modification 04/29/2023

#students #missing #enroll #Huila

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