More than half of suicides in MS are on the border – Cities

by time news

2023-09-23 18:39:00

Mato Grosso do Sul had the highest rate of cases among military and civilian police officers in Brazil last year

Yellow ribbon is the symbol of the month to combat suicide. (Photo: Paula Francis)

Around 56% of suicides happen in municipalities located on the border in Mato Grosso do Sul. According to Sejusp (Secretary of Justice and Public Security), there were 116 suicides between January and September this year, nine in this month alone. According to the ministry, around 39 people committed suicide between the months of July (21) and August (18) alone.

In the early hours of this Friday (22), a 26-year-old woman, resident of the Ipê 1 neighborhood, in Ponta Porã, took her own life. Shortly afterwards, a 14-year-old teenager was found dead in a settlement on the Paraguayan side of the border. Coroner Lucas Riveros highlighted that the cause of the young woman’s death was due to mechanical asphyxiation, caused by herself. The municipality records seven suicides in 2023.

The numbers are alarming due to the population density of the municipalities located on the border in relation to the number of deaths. According to Sejusp, 19 of the 44 border municipalities have 15 thousand inhabitants or less.

Security – As already reported, Mato Grosso do Sul had the highest suicide rate among military and civilian police officers in Brazil in 2022, according to research released this Thursday (20) by the Brazilian Public Security Forum. In 2021, the State remained tied with Pernambuco, Sergipe and Rio Grande do Sul.

In numbers, the death of police officers by suicide is the second cause of death among civil servants. In 2022, 173 police murders and 82 suicides were recorded. The report states that this year they found a lot of lack of data regarding this subject. “What is certain is that, if the problem does not appear in numbers, it does not exist. And if the problem does not exist, any intervention is unnecessary”, says an excerpt from the document.

Capital – Vinícius Alves Rodrigues, 39 years old, died this Thursday afternoon (21), after falling from the 4th floor of the building he lived in, in the Porto Seguro condominium, on Rua Dom Vicente Maria Prianti, Bairro São Francisco, in Campo Grande. The man fell from a height of approximately 12 meters.

The condominium where Vinícius lived is separated by block and each of them has four floors. The police record did not state whether the man’s apartment was in the same tower where he fell.

The death was registered as pending clarification at Depac (Community Emergency Assistance Police Station) Cepol, but the police are working with the hypothesis that the boy may have thrown himself from the building.

Help – In Campo Grande, GAV (Grupo Amor Vida) provides free emotional support to people in crisis through telephone support on 0800 750 5554. Call whenever you need! Opening hours are from 7am to 11pm, including Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.

Victims of depression and other psychological disorders can also seek help at Psychology clinical schools, at the Mental Health Center, CAPS (Psychosocial Care Center) or by calling 141 and 188 CVV (Life Valorization Center), 190 da PM and 193 Firefighters, who help patients break the silence.

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#suicides #border #Cities

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