More than half of women and nearly 75% of men aged 30-34 have never had a child.

by time news

2024-09-20 16:12:43

Levels of pregnant woman followed decrease in the period 2011-2021, as one new statistics issue this afternoon about Idescat. It has done so even among women aged 30 to 34, 56.4% of whom have not had children (2021) when ten years are still less than half. The percentage of girls aged 25 to 29 who have not become mothers has also grown, 81.7% already, compared to the situation in 2011 (75.5%). As for the 16-24 group, women with children are starting to be exceptional: 97.2% do not have one, four points more than ten years ago. Idescat publishes results on male fertility for the first time: in 2021, 74.3% of men aged 30 to 34 have not had a child and almost half of those aged 35 to 29, or.

Fertility levels have decreased between 2011 and 2021 among women under the age of 55 and have done so even among the youngest, according to the Institut d’Estadística de Catalunya (Idescat). Regarding age, women aged 30 to 34 are where fertility has decreased the most in these 10 years: in 2021, 56.7% of women in this group are not mothers, while in 2011 this percentage was 49.7% . They are followed by women aged 25 to 29, 81.7% of whom have not had a child in 2021 (75.5% in 2011), and those aged 35 to 39, 35.4% of whom are childless. 2021 (30.5%, in 2011). ).

Under the age of 25, between 16 and 24, up to 97.2% of women do not have children (in 2021); ten years ago the percentage was already very high, 93.3%, but it continued to grow.

Fertility man

As for men, Idescat published for the first time the results on male fertility: in 2021, 74.3% of men aged 30 to 34 are childless and this percentage is 47.1% of men of age 35 to 39. It should be noted that in most heterosexual couples, men are older than women and therefore have children at an older age.

As for young people between 25 and 29 without children, they exceed 90% (92.2%). And between the ages of 16 and 24, the percentage of individuals who have become fathers is almost a myth: only 1.1% of the male population.

More than half of women and nearly 75% of men aged 30-34 have never had a child.

In the case of women and in relation to previous generations, who have already finished their childbearing life, a decrease in family size is observed, because there is a significant increase in only children and a decrease in the desire to have a second. and third child or more.

One or more children

In 2021, a quarter of women aged 45 to 49 (25.7%) have had only one child, while among women over 65, the proportion of those who have given birth to only one child is 15.9%. Just over half of women aged 45 to 49 (54.7%) have given birth to at least two children, while for women over 65, the proportion is over 70%. For their part, only 12.6% of women aged 45 to 49 have had a third child, while over 30% of women over 70 have had three or more children. There are currently more women aged 45 to 54 without children than women with three or more children. Conversely, in previous generations there were more women with at least 3 children than women without children.

More lessons, later mother

According to Idescat data, as the level of education increases, the age at motherhood is delayed. Regarding the percentage of women who have become mothers between the ages of 30 and 34, 65.9% of women with primary education or less have had children, while women with higher education are 29.7 percent %. However, in the generations of women about to complete their reproductive years, the differences are noticeably reduced: the percentage of women aged 45 to 49 who have had a child is 83.8% of women with a plan -primary education or less and 79.0% of women are higher. academic.

Regarding the number of children per woman, between the ages of 30 and 34 there are significant differences according to the level of education achieved: women with primary education or less have an average of 1.5 children; women with first level of secondary education 1.2 children; women with the second level of secondary education 0.8 children and women with higher education, 0.4 children.

However, the differences in the last children of women aged 45 to 49 are reduced in women with the first level of higher education (1.52 children), with the second level of higher education ( 1.44 children) and with higher education (1.45 children) and is greater. for women with primary or lower education (2.51 children).

The labor factor

If we analyze women’s fertility taking into account the relationship with economic activity, we note that women who are fully employed are the ones who have the least number of children at all ages. Fertility is higher according to women who work in housework and at an intermediate level the fertility of women who work part-time and unemployed.

In the 30 to 34 age group, which has 0.70 children per woman on average, women who work full time have 0.49 children on average; women employed part-time 0.88; unemployed women 0.93 and women working in housework, 1.83.

Foreign women have their first child already

43.5% of foreign women living in Catalonia aged 25 to 29 have already had a child, while only 10.7% of Spanish women of this age have been mothers. In the generations of women at the end of their fertile life, the differences are reduced: from 45 to 49 years old, 82.4% of foreign women have been mothers at some point and in the case of Spanish women the percentage is 80 .0 %

In addition, at each age, the fertility of foreign women living in Catalonia is higher than that of Spanish women. Between the ages of 30 and 34, foreign women have an average of 0.91 children and Spanish women 0.60. And between the ages of 45 and 49, foreign women have an average of 2 children and Spanish women 1.47.

Girona, the demarcation with the most mixed

In the region, there are many differences in terms of the proportion of women who have given birth. Girona is distinguished with the highest percentage of women aged 16 to 39 who have given birth (37.4%), while Barcelona has the lowest percentage (28.0%). For areas with more than 50,000 inhabitants, Santa Coloma de Gramenet has the highest share (39.5% of women aged 16 to 39 have children), while Sant Cugat del Vallès has the share the lowest (21.1%).

Regarding the number of children per woman aged 40 to 49, Tarragona is the region with the highest number (1.66 children per woman), followed by Girona (1.63), Barcelona (1.48) and Lleida (1.39). The regions of 50,000 inhabitants or more with the highest number of children per woman in the 40 to 49 year group are Rubí (1.79), Manresa (1.78) and Reus (1.77), while the lowest values most according to Vilanova i la Geltrú (1.31), El Prat de Llobregat (1.37) and Viladecans (1.37).

#women #men #aged #child

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