more Unicorns to promote the cooperative model

by time news

2023-09-08 12:26:38

“Let’s radically transform the economy”, this is the slogan under which the Licoornes have come together since 2021. Four new cooperatives committed to the ecological transition (Biocoop, éthi’Kdo, Windcoop and Tënk) entered the alliance on Thursday September 7, joining Enercoop, Mobicoop, Railcoop, la Nef and Label Emmaüs.

“There are now 13 of us Licoornes, present in very diverse sectors. We want to think and work together, because, yes, we have a world to change! »told their representatives Bastien Sibille, the president of the alliance, in front of a packed room gathered for the third edition of the L’Onde de coop festival (on the theme of work), organized at the Climate Academy, in the center from Paris.

Influx of legendary horned creatures

” Snub “ with the aim of counting « 100 French unicorns by 2030 » set by the head of state Emmanuel Macron, the Licoornes “do not seek to be worth $1 billion but think in terms of creating value for society”, explains Bastien Sibille, in reference to unicorns, start-ups (“young shoots”) valued at more than 1 billion dollars.

Both also differ from Impact Unicornsinitiated by the Impact France movement, born from the merger in 2020 of the Movement of social entrepreneurs and committed start-ups of Tech for Good – technological innovation for the common good –, with the international strategy consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG).

The Unicorns, with two “o”s as cooperatives (pronounced unicorns to distinguish them), intend to promote their non-profit model. They brought together their offers on a platform “to facilitate citizens’ choices”. And also already launched a joint fundraising.

Diversity of Unicorns

At the end of a “long process” almost two years, four new Unicorns, representing new sectors such as culture, have been selected. This is the case of ethi’Kdo, which designs and markets responsible gift cards and boxes. And also from Tënk, broadcaster of documentaries on a subscription platform, “to change the way we look at the world”.

Launched in the mid-1980s, Biocoop and its more than 400 organic stores is the largest brand to join the alliance. “Our cooperative model has shown its sustainability, underlines Pierrick De Ronne, its president. This model means having reserves in the company, a project that is part of the long term, a collective interest that takes precedence over the individual. And since our members (producers, employees, customers, etc.) are stakeholders, they are motivated and committed. This obliges them. »

The virtue of the alliance

Conversely, WindCoop, the youngest of the Licoornes, has not yet launched its sailing container ship activity. “We are about to close a fundraiser to build the first”, says Alice de Cointet, its operational director. It will sail between the south of France and Madagascar to deliver spices from Arcadia without CO2 and in compliance with ” working conditions “.

“We are cooperatives with different sizes, histories and identities. But common values ​​and practices”, summarizes Stéphanie Lacomblez, head of partnerships at Nef, the solidarity finance cooperative. “It’s interesting to collaborate, to feed each other, to pool advocacy or funding actions. We have already raised €600,000 from fundraising. And we are preparing another one. »

Expectations of public authorities

Another historic Unicorn, the renewable electricity supplier Enercoop displays good viability in the very competitive energy sector. “We are hiring because we want to become more energy producers to secure our supplies”notes Béatrice Delpech, its deputy general director. “Our models are under the radarshe laments. We need politicians to look at us and bet on us, highlighting our model and supporting us. »

“We have seen action plans pass by for twenty years but they do not trickle down to us”, adds Bastien Sibille. What do Unicorns expect from public authorities? Support from the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation, the strong arm of the State in financial matters – and its subsidiary Banque des Territories for ” facilitate ” access to loans “their structures of general interest”reduced interest rates and an extension of the repayment period for “building the future over the long term”.

#Unicorns #promote #cooperative #model

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