Moroccan-Bulgarian business forum examines ways to strengthen economic cooperation

by times news cr

Organized by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region, this event brings together several actors from the private sector, with the aim of further strengthening economic links between Rabat and Sofia.

In a speech at the opening of this forum on Wednesday, the Moroccan ambassador to Bulgaria, Zakia El Midaoui, noted that this economic event will certainly be the prelude to a long series of events which will mark the near future in Moroccan-Bulgarian relations to promote cooperation between the private sectors of the two friendly countries.

Highlighting the Kingdom’s economic development model, its structuring reforms, launched under the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and its macroeconomic environment conducive to investment, Ms. El Midaoui recalled that since the early 1980s, Morocco has adopted a policy of economic opening aimed at strengthening its foreign trade and greater integration of its economy into the multilateral trading system.

This economic opening is illustrated by the signing of an arsenal of free trade agreements signed by Morocco with some 55 countries, giving it access to a market of more than a billion consumers, as well as with the Zone of African Continental Free Trade (ZLECAF), whose agreement entered into force on January 1, 2021, supported the diplomat.

Morocco, which is among the most attractive countries in terms of foreign investments, has established itself over the years as a preferred economic destination, argued Ms. El Midaoui.

”Thanks to its position at the crossroads between Africa, Europe, the Maghreb and the Arab world, its affirmed political stability, its status as an advanced partner in the Euro-Mediterranean area, its openness to sub-Saharan African countries , its numerous investment incentives and its efficient infrastructure, Morocco is establishing itself as a regional, continental and international hub perfectly connected to the rest of the world,” she said.

In this sense, Morocco could constitute for Bulgaria the gateway for its economic operators and its goods to African markets, just as Bulgaria could in turn serve as a platform for Moroccan entrepreneurs and Moroccan exports to access markets. countries of the Balkans and Eastern Europe, she estimated.

For his part, the vice-president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services of the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region, Yassir Sebbar, noted that commercial relations between Morocco and Bulgaria have experienced “growth “significant” over the years, noting that the two countries have sought to strengthen their economic ties through bilateral agreements and collaborations in various sectors such as trade, investment, tourism and agriculture.

Trade between the two nations has increased, with growing interest in exporting Moroccan products to Bulgaria, while bilateral investment opportunities have also expanded, with a particular focus on the energy sectors. , information and communication technologies, as well as tourism, he added.

In addition, efforts have been made to facilitate trade and encourage partnerships between businesses in the two countries, thus promoting mutually beneficial economic cooperation, Mr. Sebbar continued.

This event, which sees the participation of several Moroccan companies, offers the opportunity for economic operators from both countries to have business discussions during B to B meetings. It also provides for field visits to companies and of Bulgarian industrial zones.

2024-09-29 14:00:31

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