Morocco hosts the 3rd Arab Conference on Land, from February 18 to 20

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This announcement was made ‌Friday during a​ meeting held at the Moroccan pavilion, on the sidelines of the ⁣work of the 12th World Urban Forum, organized by the United⁤ Nations Human Settlements Program ‍(UN-Habitat) in⁤ Cairo, in the presence of stakeholders⁣ regional and ‌international.

On this occasion,⁢ the director ⁣of quality and technical affairs at the Ministry of National Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and⁢ City Policy, Soraya Khalil, noted that the third Arab Conference ​on land is organized by UN-Habitat, the Global Land Instruments Network (GLTN) and the Arab⁣ Land Initiative, in partnership with the League of Arab States, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the World ​Bank, the German Federal Ministry for ​Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ),⁢ the Netherlands Enterprise ⁤Agency ⁢(RVO) and the actors in the Moroccan ​land sector.

This conference constitutes a unique⁢ platform⁢ for dialog and cooperation, bringing together ministers, decision-makers, experts and various actors from the Arab region, as well as​ international ⁢organizations and‍ representatives of civil society, ​she said.

He added that this event will bring together nearly 300 participants in person and more than⁢ 1,000⁤ online,‍ including land experts, as well as representatives of​ governments, NGOs, academic institutions and​ the private⁤ sector.

This conference aims to⁤ strengthen cooperation ‍between Arab ​countries and⁢ encourage engagement in concrete actions to improve​ land governance, an essential issue for the economic, social and environmental development of the⁢ region, said Ms. Khalil.

The Kingdom will commit, in close collaboration with national partners, to creating all ⁣the conducive conditions to host this major event, expressing its hope that this conference will be ⁢crowned with success and constitute a decisive turning​ point opening new‌ perspectives and strengthening a common vision for ​sustainable, inclusive and resilient development.

The ⁢conference⁣ represents​ an important step in promoting good land governance for the realization ⁤of social, economic, environmental and peace ⁢dividends in the Arab‍ region. It aims to ‌share knowledge on good practices and innovations, develop capacities and⁢ promote collaboration and coordination ‌among stakeholders in the land sector, while providing a ⁢platform to discuss country experiences, present new research, ⁤guide investments and foster high-level⁤ commitment to improve the ‌land sector.

The third edition of the Arab Conference on Land, scheduled for February in⁣ Morocco, comes⁣ after the first edition⁤ organized in Dubai in 2018 and the second held⁢ in ⁤Cairo in 2021.

What are the key topics of discussion at the ⁣third Arab Conference on Land?

Interviewer ( Editor): Good day, ⁣and welcome to ​Today, we have the privilege of speaking with Soraya ⁤Khalil, the Director of Quality⁤ and Technical Affairs at the Moroccan Ministry⁣ of National ⁣Territorial Planning, Urban Planning, Housing and City Policy. Soraya, thank you for‌ joining us today to discuss the recent developments from ⁢the 12th World Urban Forum in Cairo.

Soraya Khalil: Thank you for having me! It’s a⁤ pleasure to share insights from our recent initiatives.

Interviewer: You just announced the third Arab Conference on Land at the World Urban ⁣Forum. Can ​you tell us more about the purpose of this conference and what you hope to achieve?

Soraya Khalil: Absolutely. The third Arab Conference on Land is an important milestone organized in‍ collaboration with UN-Habitat and several other international organizations. Our goal is to create a unique platform for dialog​ and cooperation among ministers, decision-makers, experts, and various ‌stakeholders from the Arab region. We hope to address critical issues related to land governance, and⁢ sustainable urban development, and ultimately enhance cooperation among⁤ Arab states.

Interviewer: ‍That sounds promising! Bringing together such a diverse range of participants must ‌create a dynamic discussion environment. What specific topics will be addressed at the conference?

Soraya Khalil: Key⁤ topics will include land tenure security, urban land governance, and innovative land management practices. We will​ also look into⁤ integrating local community engagement in land ⁤use planning to ensure that development reflects the needs and aspirations of local populations. It’s crucial to⁣ address these issues, especially considering the rapid⁢ urbanization we’re seeing‍ in many Arab cities.

Interviewer: Urbanization is indeed ⁣a pressing challenge. How will the outcomes of this conference be translated into actionable strategies for participating countries?

Soraya Khalil: We aim to develop ​practical recommendations and ‌a roadmap that participating⁤ countries‍ can adopt. The conference will facilitate knowledge ⁣sharing, allowing us to learn from‍ successful policies and practices implemented ‍in different contexts. Our plan is to create a follow-up mechanism to⁣ ensure ongoing collaboration and the ​practical application of ⁣the strategies discussed.

Interviewer:‍ Collaboration seems to be a‌ key theme. You mentioned a variety of partners involved⁤ in this conference, including the World ⁤Bank and regional organizations. How important is their involvement for the success⁢ of this event?

Soraya Khalil: Their involvement is vital. It brings significant expertise and resources to the table, enhancing the quality of discussions and⁤ outcomes. Organizations like the World Bank and various UN entities have extensive experience in land ​issues and urban development. By working together, we‍ can align our regional strategies with⁢ global best practices.

Interviewer: Let’s talk about civil society. ​How do you envision their role at the conference, ‌and why is their participation ⁣essential?

Soraya Khalil: Civil society plays a crucial role as they represent the voices of the community. ‍Their participation is essential to ⁣ensure that discussions reflect grassroots needs and concerns. We hope to encourage active engagement from civil society organizations to‌ share their experiences and perspectives, which will ultimately enrich the‍ policy ⁢discussions.

Interviewer: It sounds like the‍ conference has the potential to make a significant impact. As the‌ host country, what role does Morocco play in promoting sustainable urban ​development in the‌ region?

Soraya ‌Khalil: ‌Morocco is committed to sustainable urban development and has been undertaking various⁤ initiatives to improve urban planning practices. We aim to lead by example,‍ showcasing our strategies ⁤for land management and urban planning ⁢that ⁤can inspire other countries. Hosting this conference allows us to position ⁢ourselves as a regional leader in these important discussions.

Interviewer: ⁢Before we conclude, ‌what final message would you like to convey to⁢ our readers about the importance of this conference?

Soraya Khalil: I would like to emphasize ‍that effective land governance is fundamental to achieving sustainable urban‌ futures. This conference is ​a unique opportunity to catalyze collaboration and innovation across the Arab region. We must work​ together to ensure that our cities are resilient, inclusive, and sustainable⁢ for generations to come.

Interviewer: Thank you so much, Soraya, for sharing your insights⁣ and the exciting developments regarding the​ third Arab Conference on Land. ⁣We look ⁣forward to seeing​ the outcomes of this important event.

Soraya​ Khalil: Thank you! It’s been a pleasure speaking with you.

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