2024-08-05 08:53:54
The Moroccan diplomat stressed in this sense that the holding of the National Congress on Children’s Rights took place for the first time on May 25, 1995, whose work was crowned by the creation of the National Observatory on Children’s Rights chaired by Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Meryem.
This observatory constitutes one of the mechanisms aimed at the consecration and protection of children’s rights through the application of UN conventions for the protection of children’s rights and the strengthening of continuous monitoring with national and international partners of the situation of children in Morocco, added Mr. Arrouchi.
Another fundamental mechanism in this area was the creation of the Children’s Parliament. This structure has become a space for exchanges and familiarization of children with democratic practices, the culture of dialogue and living together, by involving children in the decision-making process, noted the Moroccan diplomat.
In the same vein, the Kingdom has adopted the National Pact for Children by 2030. This Pact, signed during the 16th edition of the National Congress on the Rights of the Child in November 2019 in Marrakech, is structured around several pillars such as the establishment of better governance, the coordination of the children’s sector and the establishment of a related budget, he added.
The Moroccan delegation to this session also said that the Kingdom organized a meeting, as part of its presidency of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union in October 2022, devoted to the theme of “prevention against the recruitment and use of children in conflict situations”. During this meeting, the members of the PSC strongly condemned the continued recruitment and use of children by armed forces, armed groups and terrorist organizations in Africa.
On this occasion, the Moroccan delegation urged all stakeholders to fully respect international humanitarian law and international human rights law, to respect and preserve the civilian and humanitarian character of education centers, refugee camps and displaced persons, as well as to immediately stop targeting and using schools and refugee camps for displaced persons as recruitment centers.
The Committee of Permanent Representatives of the African Union began last week in Addis Ababa, the work of its 45th ordinary session preparatory to the next AU Summit scheduled for next February.
2024-08-05 08:53:54