Morocco’s stability is a precious asset for Africa, the Mediterranean region and Europe (Thomas More Institute)

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Analyzing the scope for Europe and the Western world of the legislative elections coupled with the local and regional elections that are being held this Wednesday in Morocco, the researcher, who participated in the founding of this think-tank based in Paris and Brussels, maintains that “the stability of Morocco is a precious asset. In this necessary re-establishment of alliances, Morocco will also have to hold a very special place. The only stable country in the Maghreb and on the shores of the immense Sahelo-Saharan ocean, it constitutes an essential lookout over worlds in turmoil, crossed by tensions and threats.”

In this regard, notes Jean Thomas Lesueur in this analysis published on the French website “”, “the general elections (legislative, municipal and regional) which are being held this Wednesday, must be followed with the greatest attention. The stability of Morocco is a precious asset for Moroccans first but also for Africa, for the Mediterranean area and for Europe”.

In fact, the researcher points out, “the country has been working for at least two decades to perfect and polish the different facets of this stability. Institutional stability first (…). Economic stability then”. In this regard, the researcher notes that “Morocco is investing massively in its industrial fabric, in infrastructure…”.

And, if “the question of sharing the fruits of development remains pressing in the country, the comparison with its regional neighbors shows Morocco’s voluntarism,” affirms the author of this analysis for whom “social stability is undoubtedly Morocco’s main challenge.”

According to the researcher, “the fight against inequalities is one of the priority issues. The road will be long but certain reforms have already been implemented: the fight against corruption and prevarication with the strengthening of the National Authority for Integrity, Prevention and the Fight against Corruption; the movement of decentralization and regionalization, which should promote the efficiency and proximity of public action; the constitutionalization and regionalization of the National Council for Human Rights.”

Highlighting Morocco’s “religious stability” and while the question of Islam dominates the global agenda, the researcher from the Thomas More Institute stressed that “Morocco promotes a peaceful and balanced conception of Islam, the influence of which will partly determine the outcome of the long war against Islamist terrorism and its ideological roots.”

Finally, regarding “geopolitical stability which is the last aspect of this balancing power that the country strives to be”, Morocco located in the far West of several worlds in crisis (Muslim world, Sahel-Saharan zone and Maghreb) and at the Mediterranean intersection of Africa and Europe, it is “simply unavoidable”, affirms the researcher, emphasizing the firmness of the positions of the Kingdom and the scope of its alliances in particular with the United States and Europe.

And to note, in this context, that the future of Morocco “cannot leave us indifferent: the security and stability of Europe, considered by Islamists and jihadists of all kinds as the soft underbelly of the West, are at stake.”

“This quick overview shows a new fact for us Europeans: Morocco’s definitive accession to the rank of leading regional power. This perhaps changes our way of understanding the country. But it also multiplies the potential for a strengthened understanding and alliance with it,” says the researcher, for whom “it is time for the West to strengthen its understanding and alliance with the only stable country in the Maghreb” and to consider Morocco as its main interlocutor in the Arab world.

2024-09-08 03:16:24

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