Mort by Federico Martin Aramburu : a 4e suspect under examination

by time news

A new suspect indicted. Three months after the assassination of Martin Federico Aramburu, on March 19 last boulevard Saint-Germain (VIe), the investigation carried out by the criminal brigade of the Parisian judicial police is continuing.

After having already indicted three individuals – Loik Le Priol (27), the alleged shooter, Romain Bouvier (31), his accomplice, and Lyson Rochemir, friend of Le Priol -, justice would have arrested in April a fourth suspect . According to the newspaper L’Équipe, which reveals the information, it would be a man in his thirties. He has since been indicted for several offenses including “receiving a criminal” and “removal of documents or objects to obstruct the manifestation of the truth”.

Investigators suspect him of having helped Bouvier to leave the capital to take him to safety in the town of Sablé-sur-Sarthe. It was in this Sarthe city that Bouvier was arrested at the end of March by the Parisian PJ. He had been spotted the day before when he had paid for his hotel room in a hotel in Solesmes, a town bordering Sablé. Alerted, the men of the research and intervention brigade of Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) had gone there but the man had left the hotel. Their colleagues from the Paris crime squad had finally found him, sitting on a bench, after withdrawing money from an ATM.

According to L’Équipe Bouvier would have tried to find refuge with a community of Benedictine monks, installed in the Abbey of Saint-Pierre-de-Solesmes (Sarthe), before changing his plans. Voluntarily or not.

Members of the identity movement and former activists within the GUD (Groupe Union Défense), – a far-right student group – Le Priol and Romain Bouvier were indicted as part of the judicial investigation opened after the assassination by Federico Aramburu. They also appeared at the end of May in another case since they are suspected of having beaten up and humiliated the former head of the GUD, Édouard Klein, on the night of October 8 to 9, 2015 in his Paris apartment.

The 42-year-old former Argentinian rugby player and father of three children was shot dead in the early morning after an evening of celebration in the Saint-Germain district. His disappearance had moved and touched far beyond the world of rugby.

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