Mortgage Bonus: Who to Apply to and the Maximum Amount You Can Get

by time news

If you want to buy a house more easily you can use the mortgage bonus. Find out how to apply and how much you can get.

In this period it seems that families and young people are turning mainly towards rented apartments to find accommodation. The costs of the real estate market and the precariousness of work do not help, even though it is everyone’s dream to be able to have a home of their own in all respects. But there is a help that not everyone knows about that could make the difference.

The measure we are talking about is a bonus that helps those who wish to purchase a home through a loan agreement. It is now almost the only possible solution for those who do not have capital aside or do not want to risk investing all their savings at once. With periodic payments the cost is amortized and there is the possibility of withdrawing under certain conditions.

The reason why not everyone opens a mortgage but prefers to rent is linked to the fact that It does not fail to present some disadvantages. First of all, it is a long-term commitment, usually fifteen or twenty years, and obviously the amount of the monthly payments, often higher than the average cost of rent for families.

Apply for the mortgage bonus

To be precise we have to talk about subsidized INPS mortgageand it is precisely to this institution that it must be requested. Those who can request it are employees who have been working on a permanent basis for at least a year and pensioners, since both have fixed incomes. The possibility of requesting this aid also valid only for the first hometherefore you must not own any other properties.

If you apply to INPS you can get a subsidized loan. – (

Furthermore, the property you purchase cannot fall into the luxury property category or be located abroad. The application is made on the INPS website, with a deadline of November 30, 2024. To access, you need to have SPID or an electronic identity card, and attach the required documentation, including the appraisal that certifies the cadastral regularity of the property.

It should be noted that the application may or may not be successful. based on the length of the mortgage. For the moment, INPS does not grant subsidized mortgages with a duration of more than fifteen years, and only to applicants under 80. The maximum amount that can be obtained for the purchase of a new home, either privately or through auction, is 300,000 euros.

Before confirming the request, INPS takes care of assess the creditworthiness of the applicant and carries out an inspection to estimate the value of the property. In this way, it is ensured that the home meets the requirements described above.

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