Morto Hermann Nitsch, blood artist-

by time news
from Culture editorial staff

Born in Vienna in 1938, he was the father of Viennese Actionism. He made cover # 78 of La Lettura

Farewell to the controversial l’artista experimentale Hermann Nitsch, which became famous for the installations / performances made with the blood of animals and naked bodies. The greatest exponent of Viennese Actionism, the Austrian painter and sculptor who died on April 18 at the age of 83 in a hospital in Mistelbach, Austria. The announcement was made by his wife. His Orgy Mystery Theater (Theater of Orgies and Mysteries) became his trademark. Nitsch was born in Vienna in 1938. At the age of 15 he attended the Institute of Graphic Teaching and Research in the Austrian capital. His early works deal with religion, a theme that he will never abandon.

In 1966, Nitsch reached an international breakthrough with an invitation to London for the Destruction in Art Symposium. The action in front of an astonished audience was interrupted by the police; offers from around the world followed. There are two museums dedicated to his work: in Naples and in Mistelbach. Nitsch has also designed several opera productions: last year he conceived a controversial live painting action for The Valkyrie by Wagner in Bayreuth. For the Reading, the cultural supplement of the Corriere della Sera, created the cover of issue 78 released on May 19, 2013. The work was accompanied by the phrase Dionysian art the root of being.

On the occasion of the Venice Biennale, the spaces of Zuecca Project on the Giudecca island host, in collaboration with Galerie Kandlhofer and Helmut Essl’s Private Collection, his 20. Malaktionwhich arrives for the first time in Italy in its entirety.

April 19, 2022 (change April 19, 2022 | 14:11)

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