Moscow accepts the evacuation of civilians, kyiv turns on the light

by time news

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Don’t panic, 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

Anxiety hangs over Kherson. Moscow agreed to help organize the evacuation of civilians from the region, after the appeal of the Russian occupation regional administration. “Following the appeal of the head of the Kherson region of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Saldo, the government decided to organize assistance for the departure of the inhabitants of the region to other regions of the country,” said Russian Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khousnullin on Russian television. A new sign of the retreat of Russian forces in the area, where the Ukrainian army has been successful in its counter-offensives for several weeks.

sentence of the day

Vladimir Putin says he’s not bluffing with the nuclear threat. He must then understand that the countries which support Ukraine, the European Union and its member states, the United States and NATO, are not bluffing either. Any nuclear attack on Ukraine will result in a response, not a nuclear response, but a military response so powerful that the Russian military will be annihilated”

This is how Josep Borrell warned the Russian head of state who has brandished the nuclear threat since the first weeks of the conflict he started in Ukraine on February 24. These threats from Moscow are taken very seriously by the members of the Atlantic Alliance. “President Putin’s veiled nuclear threats are dangerous and irresponsible,” Alliance Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg of Norway ruled on Tuesday before a meeting of NATO defense ministers. “As an endowed power, Russia has this historic responsibility, and Vladimir Putin knows it,” commented Emmanuel Macron during his interview on France 2 on Wednesday evening.

The number of the day

Five. This is the number of Russians mobilized by Moscow to fight in Ukraine who died, according to the Russian authorities. Officials, however, do not specify the cause of these deaths, nor their location. These five mobilized come from the Chelyabinsk region, a poor and industrial territory located in Western Siberia. “We will provide all necessary assistance to the family and loved ones of our fallen soldiers,” said the region’s press service, promising to pay one million rubles (16,000 euros) for each deceased.

The trend of the day

kyiv continues to resist. After massive Russian bombardments across Ukraine on Monday and Tuesday, which notably hit the country’s energy infrastructure, the operator Ukrenergo announced on Thursday that it had “stabilized the energy supply in all regions of Ukraine” and will not no need to ration electricity. “Whether there will be restrictions in the future depends above all on whether there will be further bombardment and destruction,” he added, congratulating himself on having “resisted” the Russian attack. Many Ukrainian cities and regions had faced power cuts in recent days.

The Ukrainian government had to call on the population to limit their electricity consumption after these bursts carried out in response to the explosion which damaged the Russian bridge in Crimea, a symbolic and strategic target linking the peninsula annexed by Moscow to Russia, and that the Kremlin blamed it on Ukraine. kyiv has neither denied nor asserted that it was responsible for this destruction.

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