Moscow accuses Westerners of fighting Russia “directly” in Ukraine

by time news

2023-09-24 10:49:29

The Westerners “fight directly” Russia in Ukraine, the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs accused this Saturday September 23 at the UN at a time when Kiev claims to have killed Russian military leaders in the strategic Crimean peninsula.

“You can call it what you want but they are fighting us, they are fighting us directly”said Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.

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“We call it hybrid war, but it doesn’t change reality”he added, referring to financial aid, armaments and “mercenaries” from Western countries.

The head of Russian diplomacy, during a long press conference at UN headquarters in New York, was questioned about the involvement of the United States in the conflict in Ukraine.

“The fact that they are de facto fighting against us using the corps of Ukrainians, I think that everyone here who is interested in the situation in Ukraine knows very well that the Americans, the British and others are fighting in firstly supplying more and more weapons”insisted the head of Russian diplomacy.

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Top Russian Navy Commanders Killed?

In Ukraine, the kyiv army claimed on Saturday to have killed or injured “high commanders” of the Russian navy during its strike the day before against the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol, in annexed Crimea.

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Refusing to say whether Western-made missiles had been used, Ukrainian intelligence chief Kyrylo Budanov said the attack killed “at least nine people”including generals, in comments to Voice of America.

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AFP was unable to verify this information. Russia said one of its service members was missing after the attack.

Crimea, a Ukrainian region annexed by Moscow in 2014, and the city of Sevastopol, where the targeted naval headquarters is located, are at the heart of the Russian military system for its invasion of Ukraine, both to supply the occupying troops the Ukrainian south and to carry out missile strikes from the sea.

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A “completely infeasible” peace plan

The United States and European countries which have supplied weapons systems to Kiev since the Russian invasion of February 2022 insist that they are not at war with Moscow but that they are helping Ukraine to defend itself.

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Sergei Lavrov was speaking on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly during which, earlier this week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky came in person to ask for more support from the international community. He proposed a summit to discuss his peace plan intended to end the war.

Sergei Lavrov said that this settlement proposal was “completely infeasible, impossible to implement, not realistic”. Asked how to put an end to the bogged-down conflict, the head of Russian diplomacy judged that“in these circumstances, if they [les Occidentaux et les Ukrainiens, NDLR] say it has to happen on the battlefield, fine, it will happen on the battlefield”.

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“Why waste your time”

Before the UN Security Council on Wednesday, President Zelensky denounced the“criminal assault” of Moscow against his country and ” the blocking “ of the UN body due to the Russian right of veto.

Sergei Lavrov had carefully avoided being present in the Council room when the Ukrainian head of state spoke. But during his speech on Wednesday – after the departure of Volodymyr Zelensky – he replied that the Russian veto was a “legitimate tool” vested in the five permanent members of the Council.

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“I watched it on TV. It seemed rather gloomy”attacked Sergei Lavrov on Saturday, adding: “I had to do, we all knew what he was going to say so why waste his time. »

Late Saturday morning, during an anti-Western speech before the UN General Assembly, the Russian minister warned that he was in “the common interest of avoiding the spiral of a large-scale war and preventing the final collapse of the mechanisms of international cooperation put in place by our predecessors” at the United Nations.

#Moscow #accuses #Westerners #fighting #Russia #Ukraine

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