Moscow is slipping, the troops are bogged down and Russian gas will not be paid for in rubles

by time news

Did you miss the latest events on the tensions in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

Vladimir Putin wanted to force Western countries to pay for Russian gas in rubles. But the G7 countries believe on Monday that this request is “not acceptable” and shows that the Russian president finds himself “back to the wall”, said German Economy Minister Robert Habeck.

“All G7 ministers agreed that this was a unilateral and clear breach of existing contracts,” he added after a virtual meeting with his counterparts. of the G7. It is therefore an end of inadmissibility for the Russian leader who hoped perhaps to cushion the depreciation of his currency.

sentence of the day

“The Russian armed forces are turning the city into dust. »

This is obviously Mariupol, a strategic port on the Sea of ​​Azov besieged and constantly bombarded by the Russian army. “People are struggling to survive. The humanitarian situation is catastrophic,” added the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

The number of the day

Between 510 and 530. This is the estimate of the number of Russian soldiers killed “every day” on the ground of the war in Ukraine according to President Volodymyr Zelensky’s adviser, Mikhail Podolyak. A figure far removed from those of the Russian government, which announced on Friday that it had lost 1,351 soldiers since the start of the conflict. However, it is impossible to know the number of deaths independently.

The trend of the day

On the ground as in diplomacy, Russia seems to continue to skate. The Russian and Ukrainian delegations met this Monday in Istanbul for a new discussion session. However, “for now, we cannot see any significant progress or progress,” admitted Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

On the military side, according to the British Ministry of Defence, there has been “no significant change” in the disposition of Russian soldiers in the past 24 hours. For several days, Russian forces have been unable to advance in Ukraine.

For their part, the Ukrainian troops celebrate a victory in Irpin, in the oblast of kyiv. The mayor of this city coveted by the Russians for weeks, Alexander Markushin, said it had been fully taken over by Ukrainian forces via his Telegram channel.

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