Moshe Bar Siman Tov’s new job: Deputy CEO of Clal Insurance

by time news

Moshe Bar Siman Tov is coming to the world of insurance. The former director general of the Ministry of Health will join Clal Insurance as director of the health division and will also serve as deputy director general of the company, Yoram Naveh.

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Bar Siman Tov replaces David Arnon, who announced his desire to leave his post on January 4, after just over two years. Appointing a good sign bar also brings about a change in the reorganization of Clal. In the past year, they have sought to integrate the company’s health department into the claims system, but with the raising of a good sign, the company has announced that it will leave the health system intact.

Bar Siman Tov, an economist by training, has served as the director general of the Ministry of Health since 2015 and served as the first director general of a ministry that does not have a doctor’s training. The former CEO burst into the public consciousness following the outbreak of the corona virus and the decision of the Ministry of Health to support the hermetic closure to combat the spread of the virus.

In addition to serving as director general of the Ministry of Health in 2020, when the corona virus broke out, Bar-Siman Tov also served as economic deputy at the Israeli embassy in Washington and as deputy budget director at the Ministry of Finance. – but it refused.

During his tenure as director general of the Ministry of Health, Bar Siman Tov focused, among other things, on preventive medicine.

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