Moshe Feiglin Calls for Disobedience in IDF: “The Doomsday Weapon”

by time news

2024-03-18 12:14:52

Moshe Feiglin, who served as a member of the Knesset on behalf of the Likud and chairman of the Identity Party that ran in the elections to the 21st Knesset and did not pass the threshold, published an unusual post today (Monday) in which he expresses great anger at the conduct of the war, this against the background of the IDF’s re-entry into the hospital healed

The full post

doomsday weapon From the first moment, it was clear to me that we were going into another round with no intention of winning at the end. I tried to shout and warn, but it was clear that Netanyahu – and of course neither do the other claimants to the crown – have any alternative vision to the Oslo vision, and therefore there will be no occupation of Gaza, but at most a deeper maneuver that will fundamentally change nothing and will end like the rounds that preceded it – that is, in defeat. soft’ and waiting for the next round, from a lower place than where we were.

Many soldiers contacted me and asked – ‘If you are convinced that we will not win, why don’t you tell the soldiers to stay at home? Isn’t it a pity that the blood will be shed for nothing?’ And really, when I was a member of the Foreign Affairs and Security Committee, on the eve of the entry into Gaza as part of the ‘Tzuk Eitan’ operation – I came to the same conclusion and announced to the committee that with no intention of winning, I oppose the introduction and unnecessary risk of the soldiers.

However, as soon as the IDF entered, I imposed silence on myself. ‘When the cannons roar the muses are silent’ – and the disputes should also be moved aside. Now everything must be focused on standing firm and united behind the fighters regardless of my opinion on this entry. Therefore, this time too, since it was clear that they would enter Gaza, I did not call the soldiers to stay at home.

After all, we are sitting among our people and it is unthinkable that some will fight and some will refuse. But when more and more dead and wounded began to accumulate due to the shocking instructions to open fire – and the immoral restrictions that simply kill our soldiers – and now, when our sons are sent to conquer for the second time what their friends have already conquered and some of them have also been killed – and now – when a soldier is killed again in the new occupation

Now I say – that’s it! This is no longer a theoretical discussion on the question of the goals of the war and what is the definition of victory, now we have already deteriorated to a complete disregard for the soldiers’ lives. I really didn’t want to come to this, but there is no choice and we need to open the discussion on the question of the limits of obedience in such a reality. I think that in the face of political leadership and high command who see the boys’ lives as a kind of game that can be played again and again (each time with fewer tools…), there is no choice and we need to pull out the doomsday weapon – the weapon of disobedience.

I think that when soldiers give their lives to capture an objective, and then promiscuous leadership hands over the fruits of their victory to the enemy, they should know that they will have a problem sending soldiers to give their lives again for the same objective. If we don’t act like this, the promiscuous leadership will continue to play with the blood of our soldiers and there is no bottom to this immoral and abominable slippery slope.

For the second and third time, may Netanyahu, Galant and Hertzi Halevi be honored to conquer Shifa by themselves.

#doomsday #weapon #pulled #disobedience #JDN

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