Mosquitoes that bite even in hot weather: production in cesspools due to lack of sewerage | Mosquitoes bite even in hot weather: production in cesspit due to lack of drains

by time news

Not only during the rainy season but also during the summer season, mosquito infestation is high throughout the district. The problem is rampant because the authorities who are supposed to control it are not taking action.

At 6:00 in the evening, people are unable to move outside. Fearing these, people put mosquito nets on their house windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering.

Despite this, it sneaks into houses when the doors are open and bites adults and children. Rashes occur on hands and feet.

There is widespread mosquito infestation due to the fact that the drains are not cleaned due to the breeding of mosquitoes.

This situation continues as the local bodies look on without seeing anything.

Due to this ongoing problem, viral fever is spreading and making people sick. All over the district, in rural and urban areas, drains should be dug which help in the production of mosquitoes.

House-to-house spraying to prevent mosquito breeding has also been stopped.

Only when important dignitaries come to participate in government functions, they engage in work such as spraying mosquito repellents and disinfectants in the relevant areas.

The district administration should pay special attention to control this and prevent the spread of viral fever.

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