Most benefits for incapacity for work due to psychological complaints

by time news

This is apparent from figures from the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) for the year 2020.

At the end of that year, nearly 816,000 disability benefits had been provided to more than 758,000 people. Of these, 365,000 went to men and 394,000 to women. At 346 thousand (more than 42 percent), most benefits were paid after diagnoses of mental disorders, almost the same as ten years ago.

Higher risk in women

Since 2015, more benefits have been paid to women than to men. An increase that, according to Statistics Netherlands, is partly associated with a greater labor force participation of women, but also because UWV research shows that the risk of occupational disability is much higher for women than for men. This is partly due to differences in the type of job (for example, women work much more often than men in care) and wages (a lower hourly wage means a greater chance of incapacity for work).

Depression and Disability

The five most common diagnoses among disabled women are depression (10 percent), intellectual disability (6 percent), post-traumatic stress disorder (3 percent), borderline personality disorder (3 percent) and other mental disorders (2 percent).

For men, these are respectively intellectual disability (8 percent), depression (7 percent), other mental disorders (4 percent), schizophrenia (3 percent) and having a mild intellectual disability (3 percent).

Three categories

Statistics Netherlands distinguishes three categories for disability benefits. The largest group (more than two thirds) consists of sick employees in paid employment who are entitled to a WAO or WIA benefit after two years of continued payment of wages by the employer. The second group (almost a third) are young disabled people with a Wajong benefit, the last group consists of self-employed persons.

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