“Most Catholics, even fervent ones, consider that the Church has no business prying its nose into the marriage bed”

by time news

2023-12-03 12:30:09
Illuminated “Conception”, Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal, ms. 5206, fol. 174r, v. 1490 GALLICA/BNF.FR

Contraception, masturbation, homosexuality… Throughout the 20th century, Western societies experienced a major evolution in their sexual mores. The Church, for its part, has largely remained inflexible on its magisterium, and has sometimes even been able to harden its tone, as Martine Sevegrand, historian of contemporary Catholicism, shows in her latest work The Sixth Commandment. The Catholic Church and sexual morality (France, 20th century) (Rennes University Press, 294 pages, 25 euros). A fascinating historical dive into 20th century Catholicism, which sheds light on many issues still largely at the heart of debates in the 21st century Church.

What was the sexual morality of the Catholic Church at the dawn of the 20th century, when did your investigation begin?

Martine Sevegrand : It ultimately boils down to a fairly simple idea: for Catholics, the only authorized sexual activity consists of potentially fertile sexual relations between spouses. The rest is prohibited. Any sexuality outside of Christian marriage is of course prohibited, as are deliberately infertile sexual practices.

To designate the latter, the Church uses the term “onanism”, which refers to the “crime of Onan”, mentioned in the Bible. His brother having died without an heir, Onan must raise descendants for him. Now, “each time he united with his brother’s wife, [Onan] let the seed be lost on the ground so as not to give posterity to his brother. What he did displeased Yahweh, who put him to death,” we read in Genesis (Gen 38:9-10).

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From this episode, the Church concludes that God condemns any sexual activity that cannot lead to potential procreation. Masturbation is therefore prohibited, as is the practice of withdrawal – or “coitus interruptus” – which has been a widely used contraceptive method in France since the 19th century.

You explain that it was only in the first half of the 20th century that the Church gave a central place to its sexual morality. Why at this time?

This traditional sexual morality is not new, since it was already taught to the faithful, during sermons or in the confessional. Nevertheless, the Church insisted even more on the subject in the first decades of the 20th century. Books and brochures were then distributed, conferences were organized and Father Viollet (1875-1956) founded a Christian Marriage Association in 1918.

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There are several reasons for this focus on sexuality. The first arises from the loss of political power of the Church, evident in France since the law of 1905 [de séparation des Eglises et de l’Etat]which pushes her to concentrate on the private sphere, in which she can still exert her influence.

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