Most frequent errors made when preparing exit permits for minors – 2024-03-13 04:30:35

by times news cr

2024-03-13 04:30:35

One of the services that Immigration and Immigration Services provides very frequently at all borders is the review of the exit authorization certificates for minors, a document that is required when they travel without one of the parents, alone, accompanied by a third party. person, family member or not, or with airline personnel and must be prepared by a lawyer and notary.

They constantly receive cases in which exit authorizations are presented with errors, which implies a rejection of the document, its preparation again or, in the worst case scenario, the minor’s departure at the border is denied.

The document must contain the guidelines that must be met for the departure of Salvadoran and resident children and adolescents to another country (who have been in El Salvador for more than 365 days).

Most frequent errors when preparing exit authorizations:

  • Continue citing in the document Art. 44 of the LEPINA, which was already repealed by the Grow Together Law.
  • Do not indicate the destination country, nor the length of stay, whether permanent or temporary, in terms of days, weeks and months.
  • Confuse the validity period of the authorization with the length of stay.
  • The date of the authorization does not coincide with the day the trip will take place.
  • Do not include the child’s or adolescent’s passport number or one that is misspelled.
  • Do not specify the destination country.
  • Expired passport.
  • Failure to correctly enter the data of the companion and the child or adolescent.
  • Failure to comply with the formalities of the Notarial Law where the guidelines on how to prepare the document are determined.
  • When both parents are not traveling with their children and separately authorize them to leave alone or in the company of a third person, the dates stipulated in the document do not coincide between both permits.
  • They mistakenly authorize the companion and not the child or adolescent who is going to travel.
  • The appearing party (the one granting permission) and the notary present the document without signatures.
  • Failure to establish whether there is a family bond or the relationship of the companion traveling with the child or adolescent.

Most frequent mistakes made by parents or legal representatives:

  • Failure to provide accurate information to the notary.
  • Failure to comply with the dates stipulated in the minutes.
  • Do not present the original document.
  • Submit expired permits.

It is important that before presenting an exit authorization to the Immigration Officer, the interested parties verify that it meets all the requirements and is written correctly, in this way they will not be rejected at the time of review in any of our branches or upon departure. of the country through any border point.

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