Most notably the marshmallow.. 10 home ways to treat sore throats • Al Marsad Newspaper

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Al-Marsad newspaper: Many people experience a sore throat, as a sign of exposure to a bacterial or viral infection that causes severe pain.

Several home remedies that can help relieve and treat a sore throat include:

1- Honey: It soothes cough and sore throat thanks to the important nutrients it contains, and it has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, so it has been used in the treatment of sore throats since ancient times, and a spoonful of honey can be eaten directly or added to water or tea, and several times during the day.

2- Salt water: Using a gargle of warm water with a teaspoon of salt added to it, helps you get rid of throat infections and get rid of phlegm, as it helps to kill bacteria in the throat.

3- Licorice seeds: Licorice has many important uses for health, which made it a popular plant extract for many people for its multiple medicinal benefits, and its seeds are used as a treatment for sore throats through gargling, but women and pregnant women should avoid this method.

4- Chamomile tea: Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which makes it good for relieving sore throats and colds, and chamomile helps to boost the immune system, which contributes to fighting infections that cause sore throats.

5- Mint leaves: One of the wonderful ingredients that helps treat throat infections, as it contains menthol, which is an anti-congestant, as well as helping to relieve the phlegm accumulated in the throat, and peppermint oil also has a role in getting rid of coughing;

6- Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains antibacterial and antiseptic substances that help reduce bacterial infections that affect the respiratory system, which helps to get rid of sore throat and phlegm, and it is used to get rid of cough, and for this you should drink a glass of warm water added to it. A tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and honey.

7- Garlic: Known for its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. Garlic helps treat sore throats, and the compound allicin in garlic helps kill the bacteria that cause sore throats.

8- Hot pepper: Hot red pepper or (chili) is very useful in treating sore throat, as drinking warm water with hot pepper is very useful in treating sore throat and relieving its severity and works as a pain reliever. Chili peppers are also one of those pungent remedies, but they are highly effective.

9- Fenugreek: It helps as an anti-fungal and anti-bacterial and relieves pain caused by sore throats, while its seeds contain substances that help relieve pain.

10- Marshmallow: Marshmallow contains a substance that covers the mucous membranes in the throat, and relieves discomfort and inflammation. It is enough to eat 3 to 4 marshmallows to notice the difference, or make tea from it.

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