most of the defeated candidates call to vote Macron, Le Pen supported by Zemmour and Dupont-Aignan

by time news

The match for the second round of the presidential election, on April 24, has already begun. Shortly after the announcement of the results of the first round – which saw Emmanuel Macron (28%) and Marine Le Pen (23.2%) coming out on top – the voting instructions for the eliminated candidates multiplied. The vast majority of them called to vote for the outgoing president or to block Marine Le Pen, who received the support of the other far-right candidate, Eric Zemmour, and the sovereignist Nicolas Dupont-Aignan.

And directly: Results of the 2022 presidential election live: Emmanuel Macron: “Make no mistake, nothing is settled”
  • Mélenchon calls for “not to give a single voice to Mme Le Pen »

The leader of La France insoumise, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who came third in the first round of the presidential election with 21.1% of the vote, called on his voters on Sunday evening not to “not give a single voice to Mme Le Pen »which will be opposed to Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election. “We know who we will never vote for”he launched from his headquarters, repeating several times: “We must not give voice to The pen ! We must not give a single voice to Le Pen ! »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Jean-Luc Mélenchon fails at the gates of the second round but improves his score
  • Hidalgo asks to vote “against the far right”

Socialist Party (PS) candidate Anne Hidalgo was the first to call for the vote “against the far right” during the second round of the presidential election. “So that France does not fall into hatred of all against all, I call on you with seriousness to vote on April 24 against the far right of Marine Le Pen using the Emmanuel Macron ballot paper”said the mayor of Paris – who obtained 1.7% of the vote, a historically low score for the PS – from his campaign premises.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Anne Hidalgo obtains the lowest score in the history of the PS in the presidential election
  • Pécresse will vote “in conscience” for Macron

Republican candidate Valérie Pécresse, who won 4.8% of the vote, said from her campaign seat that she would vote “consciously” for Emmanuel Macron in the second round “to prevent the rise to power of Marine Le Pen and the resulting chaos”. And to add: “I ask the voters who have honored me with their confidence to weigh in the days to come with seriousness the potentially disastrous consequences for our country and for future generations of any choice different from mine that they would consider for the second round “. For meme Pécresse, “Marine Le Pen’s project would lead the country to discord, impotence and bankruptcy. Her historical closeness to Vladimir Putin discredits her for defending the interests of our country in the tragic times we are living in”.

Alpes-Maritimes LR MP Eric Ciotti declined to vote in the second round. “I don’t recognize myself in [la] Politics [d’Emmanuel Macron]I will not support it”he said on TF1.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Valérie Pécresse will vote for Emmanuel Macron, Eric Ciotti will vote against
  • Roussel calls to “beat the far right” by voting Macron

The candidate of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel (2.4%), called “to beat the far right, to put it in check, using the only bulletin at our disposal”. “I will never allow a racist and xenophobic project to be implemented at the head of the state”he added, asking the outgoing president to “to say that he heard the message” sent by the French. Emmanuel Macron must “renounce its senseless reforms”the communist leader also said.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Fabien Roussel fails to reach the 5% of the vote mark
  • Jadot calls for “blocking the far right”

Ecologist Yannick Jadot (4.5%) also called for “block the far right by depositing in the ballot box an Emmanuel Macron ballot “. “Our vote is not worth guarantee” for the outgoing president, who must now “create the conditions for rallying to defeat the far right”he said again.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers With Yannick Jadot, a new electoral failure of political ecology

Poutou calls for “not to give a voice” to the RN candidate

The NPA candidate, Philippe Poutou (0.8%), called for “don’t give a voice” to Marine Le Pen in the second round, but without giving any voting instructions for Emmanuel Macron, “which is in no way a bulwark against the far right”. “Our voting instructions are clear: not one vote should go to the far right”he said from his campaign headquarters. “However, we will not give instructions to vote in favor of Macron, because he is an arsonist firefighter whose policies are one of the causes of the rise of the RN. »

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Philippe Poutou collects 0.8% of the vote for his third candidacy for the presidential election
  • Zemmour calls for a vote for Marine Le Pen

The far-right candidate (Reconquest!), who came fourth in the first round with 7% of the vote, called for a vote for Marine Le Pen on 24 April. “There is a man facing Marine Le Pen who brought in 2 million immigrants. (…) I won’t be wrong about my opponent, that’s why I’m calling on my voters to vote for Marine Le Pen.”he said.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Eric Zemmour: a rout for the far-right polemicist
  • Dupont-Aignan calls for a vote against Emmanuel Macron

The sovereignist and eurosceptic candidate of Debout la France, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, “calls on the French to do everything to block Macron” in a post on Twitter. The member for Essonne won 2.1% of the vote. In 2017, his party and that of Marine Le Pen sealed an agreement in the inter-rounds.

Arthaud does not give voting instructions

The Lutte Ouvrière candidate, Nathalie Arthaud (0.6%), dismissed Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen back to back, “two mortal enemies for the workers”, refusing to give an instruction to vote. Whatever happens, “Macron will do Le Pen and Le Pen will do Macron”she said, calling on her voters not to demobilize in view of the legislative elections, which will take place on Sunday June 12 and 19, 2022.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Nathalie Arthaud obtains 0.6% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election
  • Lassalle leaves the choice to his voters

Jean Lassalle, who obtained 3% of the vote, thus doubling his score compared to the 2017 election, did not give any voting instructions either. “My vote will interest only me because I become again this evening (…) an ordinary citizen”said the MP from Bearn, who added: “But since you were smart enough to choose us despite so many difficulties, I trust you completely to make your choice in fifteen days. »

Le Monde and AFP

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