Most of the people are interested in preserving the Jewish tradition

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Governments in Israel rise and fall because of issues related to religion and state. Although they tend to hide it from the public eye and try to turn everything into a purely political consideration, this has been proven more than once, and the apparent fall of the Bennett-Lapid government seems to be another example of this.

Idit Silman’s decision to resign from the coalition she led did not come only because of the storm of Knesset chametz in the Passover hospitals, but was The straw that broke its back, fearing far-reaching changes in the delicate balance between the State of Israel and Judaism with Israel.

As chair of the coalition, Silman was in constant contact with Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, and received many blows for him. When she saw that Bennett’s wings had abandoned the branch of classical religious Zionism into more secular districts, she stopped holding his feet – and flew her own way.

Silman and Bennett. Abandoned him when she saw where he was headed (Photo: Jonathan Zindel, Flash 90)


The day before the political bomb dropped by Silman, which was to be armored in Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud, which she sent with her fingers into the opposition desert, Bennett treated the chametz story with abysmal contempt, all on his sitting as Israeli prime minister. Religious the first one.

The morning after even the prime minister himself was stunned by Silman’s decision, and in fact began to recalculate his hourglass as the country’s leader, with his top task being to somewhat delay the government’s complete collapse.

Bennett recalled that apart from political interests and an attempt to bridge the gap between Putin and Zlansky – who meanwhile, as has been said gently, will not have a resounding success – he also has a coalition to cultivate, only it may have happened a little too late. The advantage he has now is the fact that the Knesset is back in arrears in just over a month, and that is it Enough time to press others and try to calm the spirits.

We will now move to the other side of the road, to the right-wing factions in the opposition, Divisions among themselves whether to dissolve the Knesset and go to new elections – or to form a right-wing government already in the current Knesset.

The strategy behind this decision is great, and each side has conflicting considerations in the matter:

Netanyahu Is interested in an election that any government that manages to form now, if at all, will also be a fragile government, and in his view Bennett and Saar will be wiped out at another polling station; Deri He, too, prefers another round, in order to return to being senior minister following the plea deal that expelled him from the Knesset; Smutrich Has not yet decided, but tends to prefer elections, due to the political gain that will fall at his feet as the sole leader of religious Zionism. Against them stood GafniWho is already interested in the government in this Knesset, because he is not sure of the right-wing victory in another round of elections after four draws – and is already signaling to Netanyahu that he may be forced to vacate the seat, even if the Likud sits in the coalition.

Netanyahu, Deri and Levin in the Knesset.  Will they be able to form a government?  (Photo: Jonathan Zindel, Flash 90)

Netanyahu, Deri and Levin in the Knesset. Will they be able to form a government? (Photo: Jonathan Zindel, Flash 90)


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MK Shlomo Krei, one of the Knesset members closest to opposition leader Netanyahu, tried on the morning after Eliminate the chances of forming a right-wing government with Bnei GantzAs Prime Minister agreed upon by all parties.

If we mentioned the Minister of Defense, then it seems that he is The big winner In the whole story. There is much talk that Gantz will not let his rival Yair Lapid get to the prime minister’s office, but among his advisers there was a fear that this would harm him politically within the center camp.

Now, with the government preparing for a political burial and not his fault, Only profit stood before his eyes. Will a government be formed in this Knesset? Ganz is at least a defense minister and possibly also a prime minister due to the fact that he is now the tongue in cheek. Will they go to the polls? Blue and white are stable in the polls column, and the minimum he will receive in the next Knesset will also be defense minister.

Finally, it should be noted: How beautiful and beautiful to see that the triangular thread, of Gd, with Israel and the Torah of Israel, will not be severed, not even at the cost of further political spin. Our entry into a political drama is rolling only because of things related to the Jewish character of the state is supposed to remind left-wing leaders in Israel: Most of the people here appreciate the tradition and are interested in preserving it. If you want to hurt her, you will not succeed – not even politically.

“Chair Games”, a summary of the political week in Shabbat Square, presented by our correspondent Rafael Cohen.

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