Most Poles plan more modest holidays. How much will they spend? What are they planning to save on? Where and when will they shop?

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Almost 6 out of 10 Poles intend to limit their Easter shopping. At the same time, the same percentage plans to spend the same amount of money on shopping as a year ago, nearly every third will spend less, and 14 percent. more than last year. “For another year in a row, Poles have taken a prudent approach to planning their Easter shopping,” points out Agnieszka Salach, KRUK SA’s spokeswoman. “It also seems that the well-known proverb “make a pledge and stand up for yourself” will not be reflected during this year’s Easter, he adds. What are they going to save on?

The latest data from the Central Statistical Office show that in March 2023 food prices increased by an average of 24 percent. compared to the same period last year. This means that this year, on average, the cost of the Easter basket will increase by that much, if we assume that it will contain the same products as last year. Therefore, many households intend to spend Easter more modestly.

When asked what expenses will disappear from Christmas shopping lists, respondents in the “Poles’ Easter Expenditures – 2023” survey commissioned by KRUK SA most often replied that they would give up buying:

  • decorative articles (65 percent),
  • gifts (51 percent),
  • sweets (49%)
  • and alcohol (44 percent).

Every third person surveyed declared that they would buy less food. Almost one in five people will resign from going to visit their family.

– For another year in a row, Poles approached planning their Easter shopping with caution. Despite the high prices in stores, just like last year, the largest percentage of respondents want to fit in Easter expenses in the amount of up to PLN 300 (34%). One in three intends to spend between PLN 301 and PLN 500 (32 per cent), comments Agnieszka Salach, KRUK SA press secretary

– It also seems that the well-known proverb “pay and stand” will not be reflected during this year’s Easter. Our respondents prefer to tighten their belts, give up the traditional Easter Bunny, rather than take out a loan to finance shopping for the Easter table – he adds.

The survey shows that 83% of of respondents intend to finance Christmas shopping from current revenues, and 14 percent. will benefit from previously accumulated savings. Among those who intend to use the money set aside earlier, 8 percent. admitted that they would not be able to do their Easter shopping with their monthly income.

– Almost every tenth person surveyed declared that they did not intend to do Christmas shopping, because they would not celebrate Easter. Compared to the previous year, this percentage increased from 8 to 9 percent. Salah adds.

Most people (30.1%) planned to do their shopping for the next holidays a week before Easter. Two weeks before Christmas, 26.6 percent decided to buy the necessary products. surveyed. In turn, a few days before Easter Sunday, 22.6 percent will go to the shops. compatriots – according to the report “Christmas expenses of Poles on food. Easter 2023 Edition” by UCE RESEARCH and BLIX Group. On the other hand, 13% made purchases almost a month in advance. surveyed.

– Poles most often do last-minute Christmas shopping mainly for two reasons. First of all, many people care about fresh meat or vegetables. Secondly, in the last week before Easter consumers count on additional discounts because their experience has taught them that. And this year, due to high inflation, this will be the most common reason for postponing shopping. Some may just be afraid of long queues at the cash registers. However, compatriots will save exceptionally, which will make their purchases more modest, and therefore faster – says Dr. Krzysztof Łuczak, co-author of the study and chief economist of the BLIX Group.

The authors of the study also indicate that over 90% of of respondents will shop stationary. 5.1 percent of buyers will purchase products in physical outlets, and the rest – in online stores.

The survey also shows what type of brick-and-mortar outlets Poles mainly plan to do their Christmas shopping in. Consumers could indicate several options at the same time. And in this ranking, discounters took the first place – 94.8 percent.

“This is no surprise. Discount chains have been repeating for many years that shopping in their stores is cheap and fast. And that’s what counts, especially before Christmas. Consumers believe in such a narrative, although in practice it does not always turn out that it is the cheapest in this segment. However, in this type of outlets, shopping is actually done faster than, for example, in hypermarkets, which are much larger in terms of area – explains the expert.

Next on the list are:

  • hypermarkets – 22 percent,
  • supermarkets – 18.9 percent,
  • markets, bazaars – 13.8 percent,
  • as well as local shops – 5.9 percent.

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