‘Mother’s Day’, how should we celebrate the date?

by time news

2023-05-10 09:00:00

Mother’s Day is, without a doubt, one of the most important dates in the Mexican civic calendar. However, it is worth questioning whether the commemoration really implies recognition of the value that women have in our community or is it just a pretext to give free rein to our consumer impulses.

The statistics help a lot to measure the true meaning of the date and what we publish in this edition tells us that the women who are in charge of homes, that is, the women who assume the most responsibilities, do not necessarily have reasons to celebrate loudly the date.

Undoubtedly it is important that in the collective ideology the figure of the mother preserves -and is recognized- a relevant role. But one might wonder if the recognition they are given today is in line with the level of effort they make in order to build families and, ultimately, a community.

Furthermore, what should be asked is the way in which domestic responsibilities are conceived in our society and the way in which the burdens that the so-called “household work” implies but that historically has fallen on women are distributed.

Multiple scholars have analyzed the role that women have in modern societies and have expressed critical opinions regarding the Mother’s Day holiday. These are visions that question, above all, the consumerist role that the festivity implies.

It is not, of course, about condemning the celebration because the date implies a time of the year in which we all turn to see the mother figure and express our recognition of the value it has in building the community of which we are a part.

What it is about is calling for a calmer reflection on the role that women and, above all, those who are mothers, have in today’s society. It is a role that goes beyond its gestation capacity and that constitutes an opportunity for cultural transformation.

The aspiration for equality promoted by the feminist movement in recent years in global society -an impulse to which the Mexican community is no stranger- should call on all of us to reassess the role of the female segment of our community.

The full access of women to a condition of equality necessarily requires the recognition that their gender does not inevitably “condemn” them to play a specific role in community relations, but that they must have the possibility of growing and developing under equal circumstances.

Let us therefore celebrate the women who are mothers on this date, without skimping on the recognition they deserve, but let us make an effort so that, for the rest of the year, they have the possibility of accessing the equal status they demand and deserve.

#Mothers #Day #celebrate #date

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