Motivational phrases for World Diabetes Day 2023

by time news

2023-11-10 18:30:09

This November 14th commemorates the World Diabetes Day 2023a disease that has increased in recent years in the world.

According to Comunicación+Contenido, it is estimated that there are 382 million people with diabetes in the world and this is expected to increase to 700 million by 2045.

According to Comunicación+Contenido, it is estimated that there are 382 million people with diabetes in the world and this is expected to increase to 700 million by 2045.

The diabetes It is a disease that must be treated and cared for by both doctors and the people who suffer from it.

You cannot play with it, since if you do not take care of your diet and health it could cause death.

To commemorate World Diabetes Day 2023, and respecting the women and men who have it, we leave you some motivational phrases, so that they continue fighting with it day by day.

Motivational phrases World Diabetes Day 2023

Some motivational quotes for World Diabetes Day 2023 are the following:

Diabetes taught me discipline. – Sonia Sotomayor I believe I can eliminate diabetes. – Robert Atkins We have diabetes, it accompanies us, it doesn’t stop us. – Chris Olsen Be kind to diabetics, we already deal with enough flat tires. – anonymous The way to deal with the devil of obesity and diabetes is literally one day at a time. – Stephen Furst A world free of diabetes is not our dream, it is our promise. – anonymous Never give up your determination to fight and win against diabetes. – anonymous Lower the highs, lower the lows, avoid diabetes. – anonymous Don’t mistake my bad days as a sign of weakness. These are actually the days when I am fighting diabetes with everything I have! – anonymous “Living with diabetes, we face daily challenges, but every step we take brings us closer to a healthier and more hopeful tomorrow.” “Diabetes does not define who we are, but how we choose to live with it. Let’s make healthy choices and inspire others to do the same!” “We face diabetes with courage and determination. Every day is an opportunity to take care of our well-being and show that we are stronger than we believe” “Diabetes can be a difficult journey, but every trial is an opportunity to show our resistance and resilience. “We are not alone in this fight!” “Today we celebrate the strength of those living with diabetes. Every jab, every healthy choice is a step towards a brighter future” “Diabetes can be a challenge, but it is also an opportunity to learn, grow and live healthier. Together, we can overcome any obstacle!” “The key is in control, not in limitation. Living with diabetes teaches us to be aware of our choices and appreciate each day as a gift.” “On World Diabetes Day, we remember that inner strength and mutual support can overcome any adversity. Let’s continue fighting diabetes together!

⇒READ ALSO: Continuous glucose monitor, is it necessary in people without diabetes?

What is diabetes and how many types are there?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin.

The insulin It is a hormone that is needed to transform the. sugar (glucose), starches and other foods into energy. Diabetes can have serious health consequences if not properly controlled.

There are several types of diabetes, which are:

Diabetes type 1: It occurs when the immune system attacks and destroys insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. It is usually diagnosed in childhood or adolescence and requires daily administration of insulin.

Type 2 diabetes: It is more common and generally develops in adults, although it can also affect children and adolescents.

In type 2 diabetes, the body does not produce enough insulin or does not use it effectively. It can be controlled with lifestyle changes, medications, and in some cases, insulin.

Gestational diabetes: It develops during pregnancy and usually disappears after childbirth. However, women who have had gestational diabetes have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life.

#Motivational #phrases #World #Diabetes #Day

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