MotoGP, highlights qualifiche Gp Qatar a Losail: pole Martin

by time news

Jorge Martin gets the first pole of the year in Qatar. The Pramac rider set a super time (1:50.789, new track record) ahead of Aleix Espargaró and Enea Bastianini. Pecco Bagnaia 5th, Marc Marquez 6th, Acosta 8th. Marco Bezzecchi and Fabio Quartararo were excluded from Q1 and will start 15th and 16th. Only 21st Luca Marini. At 5pm the Sprint Race, tomorrow at 6pm the long race (all live on Sky Sport MotoGP e in streaming su NOW)


The receives pole of the year bears the signature of Jorge Martin, started off strong since Friday, very fast on one lap enough to shatter the record on the circuit. Among surprises and confirmations, the name of is missing from the front row Bagnaia, which had dominated the winter tests on the Lusail circuit twenty days earlier. But the world champion committed a mistake on the best lapand off track which made him lose the tenth of advantage he had accumulated over his opponents at that moment. Fifth place may be tight for him, but he doesn’t compromise the weekend, especially in anticipation of Sunday’s grand prix.

Espargaro and Bastianini on the front row with Martin

Among the surprises, the second place of Aleix Espargarowhich confirms further growth inApriliathe third place of Enea Bastianini it is instead the signal of a return of the rider from Romagna to his levels. Brad Binder with the official Ktm he took a promising fourth place, the sixth time of Marc Marquez however, it is difficult to classify. The new addition to the Gresini team had prudently avoided any questions about his state of form, except for showing up in great shape for the first important appointment. Some will be surprised, some others perhaps expected it: the race will tell more, but it is certain that the move to Ducati has boosted the prices of the eight-time world champion.

The rookie Pedro Acosta surprises

However, his eighth place was more surprising than him Pedro Acosta, immediately protagonist on his debut in MotoGP. It doesn’t surprise those who know the path taken so far by the young Spaniard, who arrived in the top class by winning two titles in the lower classes, in the space of three years. And in the end it doesn’t surprise that much either seventh time by Fabio Di Giannantoniohe who was sacrificed to make room for Marquez in the Romagna team and who found a home in that of VR46, taking advantage of the space left free by Luca Mariniwho moved on to replace Marquez on the factory Honda.

Giannantonio is there, Bezzecchi struggles

The Roman is now there to compete with the 9 fastest riders on the circuit where he was the last to win, no later than three months ago. His teammate, Marco Bezzecchi instead he is struggling with a 2023 Desmosedici which does not yet give him the necessary confidence. The fifteenth time is there to prove it.


  • The starting grid of the Qatar GP: Sprint at 5pm
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  • Do you want to see MotoGP? All 21 Grands Prix of the 2024 season live exclusively on Sky: free practice, qualifying, Sprint Race and races.
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  • nn”,”postId”:”ee822b62-6db7-4cdf-86f9-b8ae27c3233b”}],”posts”:[{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T14:50:29.690Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T15:50:29+0100″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:””,”imgAlt”:”motorsport”,”imgCredits”:null,”imgCaption”:null},”altBackground”:true,”content”:”

    CLICCA QUI per seguire il liveblog della Sprint Race del Qatar. Semaforo verde alle 17 su Sky Sport MotoGP e NOW


    Appuntamento alle 17 su Sky Sport MotoGP e in streaming su NOW (e ovviamente su per seguire le emozioni della prima Sprint Race della stagione

    “,”postId”:”7d3d7e39-9a6f-427a-a657-3779690c3dfb”},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T13:00:58.336Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T14:00:58+0100″,”video”:{“videoId”:”907368″,”videoPageUrl”:” le prime qualifiche del 2024 con gli highlights di Sky”,”content”:””,”postId”:”12d25b0e-540c-40f8-be53-43552b4509da”},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T12:42:22.343Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T13:42:22+0100″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:” prima griglia di partenza della stagione”,”content”:”

    Martin in pole, Espargaro e Bastianini in prima fila. Binder, Bagnaia e Marquez dalla seconda. CLICCA QUI per la prima griglia di partenza del Mondiale 2024


    Bastianini: “Contento, siamo andati forte tutto il weekend. Dobbiamo fare uno step, dobbiamo lavorare sull’anteriore. Come ritmo mi sento abbastanza forte”

    “,”postId”:”97499647-9721-4597-a4ec-3b564204eacf”},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T12:24:50.254Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T13:24:50+0100″,”image”:{“imgSrc”:” risultati delle prime qualifiche della stagione”,”postId”:”367f4289-7e89-4848-ac95-eda4537a60ab”},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T12:24:14.202Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T13:24:14+0100″,”event”:{“text”:”pole position!”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’ fill=’%23051045’%3e%3cpath d=’M10.67 21.33a5.49 5.49 0 0 1-.512-.024 2.663 2.663 0 0 1-.382-.057v-9.734c0-.248.056-.45.17-.61.114-.155.371-.234.773-.234h2.388c.694 0 1.303.091 1.828.276.525.184.962.44 1.309.763.346.325.606.707.78 1.406 0 .531-.095 1.018-.285 1.463a3.26 3.26 0 0 1-.812 1.146 3.8 3.8 0 0 1-1.268.747 4.84 4.84 0 0 1-1.65.268h-1.673v2.68a.768.768 0 0 1-.204.545c-.134.146-.376.219-.723.219Zm.925-5.053h1.382c.845 0 1.462-.18 1.852-.537.39-.357.585-.845.585-1.463 0-.628-.195-1.109-.585-1.445-.39-.337-.958-.505-1.705-.505h-1.529v3.95Zm9.702 5.053c-.173 0-.347-.008-.52-.024a2.638 2.638 0 0 1-.389-.057v-8.547l-1.999.942a1.258 1.258 0 0 1-.358-.44 1.126 1.126 0 0 1-.13-.502c0-.38.19-.678.57-.894l2.339-1.138h1.414v9.896a.771.771 0 0 1-.203.545c-.136.146-.377.219-.724.219Z’/%3e%3cpath d=’M16 3C8.82 3 3 8.82 3 16s5.82 13 13 13 13-5.82 13-13S23.18 3 16 3Zm0 24.212c-6.193 0-11.213-5.02-11.213-11.212C4.787 9.807 9.807 4.787 16 4.787S27.212 9.807 27.212 16 22.192 27.212 16 27.212Z’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(3 3)’ d=’M0 0h26v26H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”races”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

    Martin partirà davanti a tutti, con lui in prima fila anche Espargaro e Bastianini. Dalla 2^ fila Binder, Bagnaia e Marc Marquez

    “,”postId”:”f44b0585-8413-47fa-a56f-d53c37134b29″},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T12:23:17.738Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T13:23:17+0100″,”event”:{“text”:”bandiera a scacchi!”,”borderColor”:”#ffffff”,”backgroundColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’ fill=’white’%3e%3cpath d=’m21.503 14.838-2.828 2.77 2.828 2.771 2.829-2.77-2.829-2.771Z’/%3e%3cpath d=’M31.716 16.613 19.453 4.296l-.102-.09a1.016 1.016 0 0 0-1.324.083L.29 21.792l-.096.11a.965.965 0 0 0 .102 1.276l.112.094c.393.283.948.25 1.302-.1l7.063-6.97 11.663 11.509.113.095c.392.287.951.255 1.306-.095l9.855-9.724.095-.11a.965.965 0 0 0-.09-1.264Zm-4.556 3.766-2.828 2.77-2.829-2.77-2.828 2.77-2.829-2.77 2.829-2.77-2.829-2.771-2.828 2.77-2.828-2.77 2.828-2.77 2.829 2.77 2.828-2.77-2.829-2.772 2.829-2.77 2.828 2.77-2.828 2.771 2.828 2.77 2.829-2.77 2.828 2.77-2.828 2.771 2.828 2.771Z’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(0 4)’ d=’M0 0h32v24H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”races”},”altBackground”:false,”postId”:”cb4ed5ff-f207-4d49-8117-64fe7f1e42fa”},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T12:21:32.846Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T13:21:32+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

    Caduta per Binder, Martin si stava migliorando ma il suo giro viene così cancellato


    Bastianni si migliora e sale in 3^ posizione, 6° Marc Marquez dopo un quarto settore così così


    Binder! 3° posto per la Ktm del sudafricano


    Aleix Espargaro 2° in 1:50.872! Bene anche l’Aprilia 


    Bagnaia si migliora e sale al 2° posto: peccato per un errore nell’ultimo settore per Pecco, che aveva acceso in precedenza un casco rosso

    “,”postId”:”2394237a-1fe6-4ce5-9819-82c5f3440ec6″},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T12:15:16.908Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T13:15:16+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”social”:{“socialType”:”twitter”,”src”:” classifica provvisoria dei tempi”,”postId”:”bcf27a68-0e7e-49c5-95af-262c0174a898″},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T12:12:13.309Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T13:12:13+0100″,”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

    Alle spalle di Martin Di Giannantonio e Bagnaia, distanti rispettivamente 230 millesimi e 324 millesimi dal super tempo di Jorge Martinator Martin

    “,”postId”:”a56c5bab-1ca1-4de8-bcad-3e2173fef5bc”},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T12:10:52.199Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T13:10:52+0100″,”event”:{“text”:”pole position!”,”borderColor”:”#051045″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’ fill=’%23051045’%3e%3cpath d=’M10.67 21.33a5.49 5.49 0 0 1-.512-.024 2.663 2.663 0 0 1-.382-.057v-9.734c0-.248.056-.45.17-.61.114-.155.371-.234.773-.234h2.388c.694 0 1.303.091 1.828.276.525.184.962.44 1.309.763.346.325.606.707.78 1.406 0 .531-.095 1.018-.285 1.463a3.26 3.26 0 0 1-.812 1.146 3.8 3.8 0 0 1-1.268.747 4.84 4.84 0 0 1-1.65.268h-1.673v2.68a.768.768 0 0 1-.204.545c-.134.146-.376.219-.723.219Zm.925-5.053h1.382c.845 0 1.462-.18 1.852-.537.39-.357.585-.845.585-1.463 0-.628-.195-1.109-.585-1.445-.39-.337-.958-.505-1.705-.505h-1.529v3.95Zm9.702 5.053c-.173 0-.347-.008-.52-.024a2.638 2.638 0 0 1-.389-.057v-8.547l-1.999.942a1.258 1.258 0 0 1-.358-.44 1.126 1.126 0 0 1-.13-.502c0-.38.19-.678.57-.894l2.339-1.138h1.414v9.896a.771.771 0 0 1-.203.545c-.136.146-.377.219-.724.219Z’/%3e%3cpath d=’M16 3C8.82 3 3 8.82 3 16s5.82 13 13 13 13-5.82 13-13S23.18 3 16 3Zm0 24.212c-6.193 0-11.213-5.02-11.213-11.212C4.787 9.807 9.807 4.787 16 4.787S27.212 9.807 27.212 16 22.192 27.212 16 27.212Z’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(3 3)’ d=’M0 0h26v26H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”races”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”

    TEMPI MOSTRUOSI! La pole provvisoria è di Martin in 1:50.789, praticamente un secondo meglio del precedente record del 2023


    I magnifici 12 che si giocheranno la pole:



    • Bagnaia
    • n

    • Vinales
    • n

    • Bastianini
    • n

    • Raul Fernandez
    • n

    • Acosta
    • n

    • Binder
    • n

    • Espargaro
    • n

    • Miller
    • n

    • Di Giannantonio
    • n

    • Alex Marquez
    • n

    • Marc Marquez
    • n

    • Martin
    • n

    “,”postId”:”1d8b0ea8-3160-4542-9398-9e4627713bf5″},{“timestamp”:”2024-03-09T12:05:59.488Z”,”timestampUtcIt”:”2024-03-09T13:05:59+0100″,”event”:{“text”:”si parte!”,”borderColor”:”#00d209″,”icon”:”data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg width=’32’ height=’32’ fill=’none’ xmlns=’ clip-path=’url(%23a)’%3e%3cpath d=’M16.308 14.012a3.239 3.239 0 1 0 0-6.478 3.239 3.239 0 0 0 0 6.478Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3cpath d=’M23.81 3H8.807A.78.78 0 0 0 8 3.806v24.388c0 .468.34.806.808.806h15.001a.78.78 0 0 0 .808-.806V3.806A.78.78 0 0 0 23.809 3Zm-.754 24.387H9.614V4.613h13.442v22.774Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3cpath d=’M16.308 25.849a4.509 4.509 0 0 0 4.504-4.504 4.51 4.51 0 0 0-4.504-4.504 4.509 4.509 0 0 0-4.503 4.504 4.508 4.508 0 0 0 4.503 4.504Zm0-7.395a2.895 2.895 0 0 1 2.892 2.891 2.895 2.895 0 0 1-2.892 2.892 2.895 2.895 0 0 1-2.891-2.892 2.895 2.895 0 0 1 2.891-2.891Zm0-3.064a4.51 4.51 0 0 0 4.504-4.505 4.51 4.51 0 0 0-4.504-4.504 4.509 4.509 0 0 0-4.503 4.504 4.509 4.509 0 0 0 4.503 4.505Z’ fill=’%23051045’/%3e%3cpath d=’M16.308 14.124a3.239 3.239 0 1 0 0-6.478 3.239 3.239 0 0 0 0 6.478Z’ fill=’%2300D209’/%3e%3c/g%3e%3cdefs%3e%3cclipPath id=’a’%3e%3cpath fill=’white’ transform=’translate(8 3)’ d=’M0 0h16.617v26H0z’/%3e%3c/clipPath%3e%3c/defs%3e%3c/svg%3e”,”type”:”races”},”altBackground”:false,”content”:”



    Qualifying: 1st Martin 2nd Espargaro 3rd Bastianini. Sprint at 5pm on Sky

    Read more


    CLICK HERE to follow the live blog of Sprint Race of Qatar. Green light at 5pm on Sky Sport MotoGP and NOW


    Appointment at 5pm are Sky Sport MotoGP e in streaming su NOW (and obviously on to follow the emotions of the premiere Sprint Race of the season


    Relive the first qualifying sessions of 2024 with Sky highlights


    The first starting grid of the season

    Martin in pole, Espargaro e Bastian’sI in the front row. Binder, Bagnaia and Marquez from second. CLICK HERE for the first starting grid of the 2024 World Championship


    Bastianini: “Happy, we went fast all weekend. We need to make a step, we need to work on the front. I feel quite strong in terms of pace”


    The results of the first qualifying sessions of the season


    pole position!

    Martin he will start in front of everyone, with him also on the front row Espargaro e Bastianini. From the 2nd row Binder, Bagnaia and Marc Marquez


    checkered flag!


    Fall for BinderMartin was improving but his lap was thus cancelled


    Bastiani he improves and climbs to 3rd position, 6th Marc Marquez after a so-so fourth sector


    Binder! 3rd place for the South African’s KTM


    Aleix Espargaro 2nd in 1:50.872! Aprilia also did well


    Bagnaia improves and climbs to 2nd place: shame about a mistake in the last sector for Pecco, who had previously turned on a red helmet


    The provisional time classification


    Behind Martin By Giannantonio e Bagnaiadistant respectively 230 thousandths e 324 thousandths by Jorge Martinator Martin’s super time


    pole position!

    MONSTROUS TIMES! Provisional pole goes to Martin in 1:50.789, practically a second better than the previous record of 2023


    The magnificent 12 who will compete for pole:

    • Bagnaia
    • Vinales
    • Bastianini
    • Raul Fernandez
    • Acosta
    • Binder
    • Espargaro
    • Miller
    • By Giannantonio
    • Alex Marquez
    • Marc Marquez
    • Martin


    yes part!



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