Motorhome routes through Spain looking for the best hamburgers

by time news

S. M.


Updated:28/05/2022 00:42h


Since 1965, the Whimpy’s Restaurant in Barcelona served the first hamburger in Spain, although in essence it remains the same: a fillet of minced meat and bread, the flagship fast food dish has evolved a lot. Although the origin of hamburgers is somewhat uncertain – America and Hamburg traditionally dispute it – what is clear is that it was made for the first time at some point between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th.

Be that as it may, this Saturday, May 28, International Hamburger Day is celebrated, a very common type of plant when going on an excursion to the countryside. But cooking or having a barbecue has its risks and its regulations, so if we are fans of motorhome routes or camper vans we can find ourselves with a series of rules that we must strictly comply with.

Thus, in summer, it is strictly forbidden to make a fire or light a barbecue in recreational areas of mountains or forest land, throughout the country. At this time the risk of fire for our forests and mountains is maximum due to the increase in temperatures and the decrease in the relative humidity of the air.

As a safer and above all more comfortable alternative for fans of motorhome routes, Yescapa offers us a culinary journey through the restaurants where you can enjoy the most original hamburgers in our country. Exotic meats, giant hamburgers, with chocolate, vegan or with extra cheese: there is something for all tastes. Take note and do not miss any of our recommendations:

Giant hamburger in Agacha a Testa (Vigo)

If you are looking to treat yourself, visit this traditional Galician-style bar where you can enjoy a pleasant and familiar atmosphere, surrounded by witches, covens and spells.

In it you can also savor delicious hamburgers in XL format. In addition to its maxi hamburgers, this establishment prepares other large-sized specialties, such as its sandwiches, at a reasonable price. Made with local products, Betty, her owner, says that for her establishment she buys the same as for her house.

For cheese lovers, the best cheeseburger at the FBI Restaurant (Murcia)

Cheese lovers who visit Murcia are in luck. And it is that the 2nd edition of the Spanish Hamburger Championship, held this year, has recognized the FBI restaurant as the best place in Spain to enjoy a Cheeseburger.

Under the name “El Panzas”, this 200 gr. of Chato Murciano streaky and au gratin with thousand red cheddar cheese, it has tomato, leek coleslaw and is covered with ñora sauce and smoked paprika pearls to finish with roasted bacon.

Hamburger with kangaroo and zebra meat at Macarena Restaurant (Madrid)

In this small bar located in the Vallecas neighborhood of Madrid, it is possible to taste hamburgers made with some of the most exotic meats one can imagine.

Kangaroo, zebra, camel or buffalo are some of the specialties that they offer in their menu and in which they coexist with a wide range of traditional Spanish homemade food. Served with a side of French fries, all their burgers are accompanied by lettuce, bacon, caramelised onion, tomato and cheese.

For those looking for new flavors, a chocolate burger at La Teta y la Luna (Valladolid)

Chocolate is not a very common ingredient in hamburgers, but in this restaurant in Villa de Prado, in Valladolid, they have opted for it in their Gourmet hamburger.

The particular hamburger was made for a contest and such has been the acceptance that it has remained in its menu. A brioche bread with 200 gr. of Galician blonde beef, Torta del Casar cream, white chocolate, arugula mayonnaise cream, tomato and lettuce, are the ingredients of this perfect hamburger for those who seek to be surprised by new flavors.

For non-carnivores, Quinoa Bar Vegetarià (Barcelona)

Considered by many to be one of the best vegan and vegetarian restaurants in our country, this establishment, which opened its doors in 2013, is located in Barcelona.

In its varied menu, in addition to offering hamburgers, there are also other equally delicious vegan options such as sandwiches, kebabs, wraps or focaccias, as well as desserts and juices. Made with quinoa, if you visit Barcelona you won’t know whether to order the Trufada Burger, the Special Jack Burger or La Griega.

Where to park and spend the night

You can park in authorized parking spaces and as long as traffic regulations are followed, but do not extend awnings or chairs, pour liquids or make noise, for example. Free camping is not allowed and in this case you have to go to a campsite.

The overnight places have equipment to plug the vehicle into electricity and to empty the gray and black water (toilet). Proper use must be made of it and the water must not be emptied anywhere, as it is not a good practice nor is it ecological.

Also remember that motorhomes weighing 3,500 kilos or less have a speed limit of 120 km/h on motorways and dual carriageways and 90 km/h on conventional roads. When exceeding that weight, it is reduced to 90 and 80 km / h, respectively; and 50 km/h on urban roads.

The type B license is required as long as it does not exceed 3,500 kilos and nine seats. Otherwise, B96 or B+E is needed -depending on the weight-.

Adult passengers, children and even pets must occupy a seat, which is approved for travel and with its corresponding seat belt, child restraint seat, carrier or harness inside the vehicle.

In a campsite you can connect the motorhome to electrical poles, prior contract, to have electricity and current. An extension cord is needed, recommended 10-20 meters, and with a connection such as the “house” one, or the CEE17 or industrial connector.

The drinking water tanks, gray water -water that comes from the shower and kitchen- and black water -from the toilet- must be replaced and emptied. It is only allowed in places used for it: in a campsite or in some motorway service areas.

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