Moved to tears: Children’s hospice names room after Florian Silbereisen

by time news

It was one of the great emotional highlights of the evening Florian Silbereisen: Not only was the pop star and showmaster at “The big hit surprise for Florian Silbereisen” surprised with an entire show on the occasion of his 20th anniversary. Among the well-wishers were a few very special people whose appearance moved the otherwise confident and always good-humoured showmaster to tears.

Surprise guest with surprise guests

A prime minister is not necessarily the kind of person you would expect to see on stage at a hit show. And so it was Florian Silbereisen then really amazed at first Dr. Pure HaseloffPrime Minister of Saxony-Anhalt, to him and moderator Barbara Schöneberger joined on stage. Of course, there was a special reason for the distinguished visit: Prime Minister Haseloff and Florian Silbereisen have been working together as patrons of the Pfeiffer Foundation children’s hospice in Magdeburg for years. And: Dr. Reiner Haseloff did not come alone. Germany’s longest-serving Prime Minister brought representatives of the hospice to the big show and even parents of affected children were there to congratulate Florian.

Tears of emotion

A large part of the work in the children’s hospice consists of giving children and parents a better quality of life, explained the board of the Pfeiffer Foundations Klaus Dieter Schinkel on the show. He once again emphasized how important Florian Silbereisen’s commitment and support is for the Pfeiffer Foundations and the children’s hospice.

You not only help us with donations, but also, for example, in 2013 at the “Spring Festival of 100,000 Blossoms” when you brought children from our Noah’s Ark onto the stage. This was a topic of conversation for months.

Klaus-Dieter Schinkel The big hit surprise for Florian Silbereisen

And as befits a big surprise, the guests of honor also had a gift for the anniversary with them. Franziska Höppnerhead of the children’s hospice of the Pfeiffer Foundations, brought the good news to Florian Silbereisen, who will be given a very special honor in the future.

Today we would like to surprise you and say thank you – thank you for your years of support. We have brought a surprise with us: we would like to name our music and sensory room after you.

Franziska Höppner The big hit surprise for Florian Silbereisen

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