Moving forward on the path of change; Merihan becomes Saudi Arabia’s first female crane driver

by time news

The world’s most egregious decision was to allow women to drive in Saudi Arabia in 2018. Saudi Arabia’s lifting of restrictions on women in many areas has attracted a lot of attention. Here is another piece of news .. Merihan Al Bass has been selected as the first woman crane driver in Saudi Arabia. Marihan has been interested in vehicles and engines since childhood. This desire, which began at the age of thirteen, ended in this achievement at the age of thirty. Merihan now holds the title of Saudi Arabia’s first female crane driver.

Marihan loves all vehicles, including buses and cars. This will is inherited from the Father. Maryhan’s father is a car enthusiast. Vehicles and machines are generally considered to be male dominated areas. So no one expected a woman to come into the area, ”Merihan said.

The greatest blessing in life is family. My mom and dad have been very supportive of all my dreams. That’s why they stand by me to do what I want. Dad is a big car lover. Great interest in machines. Dad had old cars. He would run it well from time to time. All this time I would sit with him and watch and understand. Merihan said.

It is this desire and interest that has led them to this achievement. Gradually Marihan began to participate in car exhibitions and competitions. All this knowledge helped them to excel in these areas. He has a wealth of experience in car exhibitions and competitions. Marihan also said that allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia in 2018 would provide more opportunities for women to enter the fields of driving instruction, race driver and mechanics.

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Merihan is also on the Recovery Marshal team. Recognizing their potential, the Saudi authorities recruited them into the group. The recovery marshal considers it a very difficult job for women. Marihan studied psychology and journalism. The job is chosen differently from all of that. Merihan learned all about driving and mechanics on his own.

Story Highlights: saudi arabia appoints worlds first female crane driver

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