Moving in with Marev Michaeli? Lior Shlain purchased land in the Afka neighborhood

by time news

The talk of the day among the brokers in Tel Aviv is a purchase transaction he made Lior Shlainthe spouse of the outgoing transport minister Marev Michaeli. Shalein purchased half a dunam of land in the city’s prestigious Afka neighborhood for an amount estimated by the real estate branch at about NIS 17 million. The land belonged to a retired Magistrate’s Court judge, Blanche Kay. Now it only remains to be seen if the deal will lead to the couple Shaline and Michali moving in together.

Hello to Judge Kay. That Laine made the highest bid?
“I don’t speak. I, like I was on the throne, never speak. I apologize.”

Shaline, congratulations. Everyone asks where the money comes from and will you move in together.
“The transaction amount is much smaller than the amount you quoted.”

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Merav Michaeli and Lior Shlain (Photo: Rafi Deloya)

> And another storm in the real estate world: it turns out that one of the most prominent sharks in the industry has been starring in a scandal for the past year that is worth at least a Netflix series. Only what, that young partner cheated on him and got pregnant by another man. Indeed, the market is boiling.

> The businessman Nir Shmol and a police officer from reserve battalion 8023, together with Vanessa Weedan Avitalwinner of “Master Chef” season 8 – participated in the “Warm Winter for the Elderly” promotion throughout the country this weekend. As part of the promotion, they will travel together with the association’s volunteers among a hundred homes for the elderly throughout the country and distribute a hot and well-deserved meal, and a kit including a warm and luxurious blanket, a heat diffuser and lighting emergency.

Mina Leibovitz and Nir Shmol (photo: Mikey Levy)Mina Leibovitz and Nir Shmol (photo: Mikey Levy)

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