MPLA wants periodic debates on matters of common interest

by time news

2023-04-20 01:15:11

The MPLA proposed, this Wednesday, in the National Assembly, the holding of periodic debates on education, health, environment, technology, local governance, territory management, urban planning, protection of children, empowerment of women, among other matters of interest. common.

According to the leader of the MPLA parliamentary group, Virgílio de Fontes Pereira, this will make plenary meetings and specialized working committees of Parliament more dynamic, attractive and effective, “recalling the agoras of ancient Greece”.

The deputy was speaking during the 5th ordinary plenary meeting of the 1st legislative session of the National Assembly, dedicated to the appreciation and approval of the General State Account (CGE) for the 2020 fiscal year.

From what he called the “Open Parliament”, the MPLA deputy emphasized the need to streamline the functioning of the specialized work commissions, becoming more focused on addressing the concerns of Angolan men and women, children, women, young people , churches, trade unions, communities, among others, without prejudice to their current traditional activity.

In its political declaration, the Parliamentary Group of the MPLA also understands that it is necessary to reflect and study on the possibility of, with clear authorization of the pecuniaries, publishing, in the various institutional mechanisms of the National Assembly, the suggestions, petitions and complaints of the citizens.

For you, this suggestion can help correct various behaviors of citizens and institutions.

He noted that the ideas presented aim to promote more inclusion and more dialogue in Parliament, “which is the House of the people, setting an example on the need not to lose focus on our Angolan nature and on the need for patriotic cohesion”.

According to the politician, only unity, cohesion, peace and orderly and responsible behavior will allow “the popular will of Angolan men and women to assert itself without deceit or mystification”.

With regard to the General State Account (CGE) for fiscal year 2020, he highlighted the fact that the Executive continues to improve operational mechanisms that ensure greater coverage of reported data, greater transparency in the programming and execution of public expenditures, as well as the subjection to the ever-increasing scrutiny of external control institutions, “in order to ensure rigorous accountability by public institutions.

He considered it unavoidable that the Covid-19 pandemic had made the financial year 2020 atypical, given the unpredictability surrounding its emergence, which forced the Executive to present a revised budget to the National Assembly.

This action, he said, provided the conditions “for the Executive to propose and implement a set of measures in various areas, in particular public health, ensuring not only the physical safety of people, but also the maintenance of the functioning of institutions and the survival of of populations.

In contrast, Américo Chivukuvuku, from the UNITA Parliamentary Group, criticized the fact that the 2020 State General Account is being received in 2023, noting that this fact does not contribute to the purpose of monitoring and positively influencing government actions in time opportune, “because it occurs outside the facts and legally established deadlines”.

In fact, the UNITA Parliamentary Group considers it necessary to work on a project to amend the Law, “so that it becomes a useful instrument at the service of supervising government action for the good of Angola and Angolans”.

The UNITA deputy acknowledged that, in 2020, a considerable part of public expenditure on capital and beyond was channeled to the health sector, with emphasis on the construction of new hospitals and in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, but regretted that so far, “no detailed reports and accounts have been seen on expenses with Covid-19.

“It is urgent that this exercise be carried out, as we do not want accountability to be lost along the way (…)”, he stressed.

In its political declaration, UNITA emphasizes that it is a fundamental task of the State to create the necessary conditions to make the economic, social and cultural rights of citizens effective, to promote the well-being and quality of life of the people, for whom this “is only possible with good management and accountability practices for public affairs, transparent governance and accountability”.

Bela Malaquias, from the Humanist Party of Angola (PHA), called for an equitable redistribution of income and social protection that guarantees access to social rights and access to quality basic services.

For him, the fight against social stagnation requires the promotion of social justice with affirmative action, dignified and well-paid work for all.

“We will not tire of claiming for decent housing, clean water, land, basic sanitation, transport, energy and health, with special attention to impoverished regions and communities”, stressed the opposition deputy.

On another front, Benedito Daniel, from the PRS-FNLA joint parliamentary group, asked for full compliance with budgetary rules during the management or execution of the OGE, as well as the accountability of those who commit financial crimes.

“From our analysis, and having reconsidered the opinion of the Court of Auditors, we understand that there were shortcomings in the execution of the General State Budget 2020”, said the deputy, recognizing, however, the fact that this management took place in a difficult economic and financial environment , affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. DC/OHA/ADR

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