Mpox alert in Cameroon: The deadly virus strikes, general panic! – 2024-04-17 03:32:54

by times news cr

2024-04-17 03:32:54

The specter of a new epidemic hangs over the Cameroon. Two confirmed cases of Mpox, better known as monkeypox, have just been detected in the country. A discovery which sows panic and revives the nightmare of Covid-19, as revealed exclusively by With the virus spreading at an alarming rate in central Africahealth authorities are on maximum alert.

Douala and Bamenda, epicenters of the epidemic

It was in the cities of Douala and Bamenda that the virus struck. According to the Public Health Emergency Operations Coordination Center (Ccousp), the first confirmed case detected in the health district “ the City of Palms » in Douala, succumbed to the disease. News that plunged the economic capital into psychosis.

In Bamenda, in the North West region, another case was confirmed. The patient is still alive, but his condition has not been released. An uncertainty which adds to the anxiety of populations, already experienced by years of security crisis.

11 suspected cases, Cameroon holds its breath

But the two confirmed cases are only the tip of the iceberg. According to official figures, no less than 11 suspected cases have been recorded throughout the national territory. A report which makes people fear the worst and puts health authorities on alert.

The Ccousp wants to be reassuring, affirming that “the Mpox epidemiological situation is under control”. But in a country where the health system remains fragile and resources limited, the concern is palpable. Everyone holds their breath, fearing an explosion of contamination.

The DRC, a time bomb at the gates of Cameroon

Because the threat does not only come from within. On the borders of Cameroon, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is facing an unprecedented wave of Mpox. Between February 2023 and February 2024, the country recorded more than 19,000 cases and nearly 1,000 deaths, the majority of them children.

A terrible toll which makes the DRC the epicenter of the epidemic in Africa. And experts suspect that the cases detected in Cameroon may have been imported from this neighboring country. A hypothesis that sends chills down your spine and requires increased vigilance at the borders.

Sexual transmission, the new face of Mpox

But the virus has more than one trick up its sleeve. According to experts, Mpox is increasingly transmitted sexually, particularly in eastern DRC. A worrying development, which complicates the fight against the disease and exposes new populations.

« It’s starting to become more worrying now that we’re seeing this sexual transmission of Monkeypox,” alerts Jean Kaseya, Director General of the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC Africa). An alarming observation, which calls for an urgent adaptation of prevention strategies.

Africa mobilized, Cameroon on the front line

Faced with this growing threat, Africa is mobilizing. From April 11 to 13, Kinshasa hosted a “ Emergency high-level regional meeting on Monkeypox ». Objective: share experiences and define a coordinated response to this scourge that ignores borders.

In this crucial fight, Cameroon is on the front line. With its geographical position and its close links with the DRC, the country is an essential link in containing the spread of the virus. An immense responsibility, which requires the mobilization of all stakeholders: authorities, caregivers, populations, etc.

Together, let’s break the chain of transmission!

Because when it comes to Mpox, we are all concerned. Everyone, at their own level, can and must act to curb the epidemic. Respect for barrier gestures, vigilance in the face of symptoms, responsibility in sexual behavior… So many reflexes that can save lives.

It is united and united that we will overcome this new health challenge. By breaking the chain of transmission, supporting our caregivers, showing resilience and ingenuity. Cameroon has already proven its strength in the face of other crises. He will, we have no doubt, know how to take on this new challenge with courage and determination.

So let’s not panic, but let’s remain vigilant. Let’s inform ourselves, let’s protect ourselves, and let’s keep hope. Together we are stronger than any virus. Together, we will write a new page in our health history. A page of struggle, solidarity and victory. Mpox can tremble, Cameroon is standing!

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