Mpox Outbreak in Africa: Urgent Need for Vaccines and Global Support Amid Rising Cases

by time news

Mpox belongs to the same family of viruses as smallpox, but causes milder symptoms such as fever, chills, and body aches, and spreads mainly through close skin-to-skin contact, including during sexual intercourse. People with more severe cases may develop lesions on the face, hands, chest, and genitals.

While mpox has been reported in 12 of the 54 African countries during these outbreaks, the vast Central African country of Congo has recorded by far the highest number of cases this year. Out of a total of 18,910 cases in 2024, 94%—or 17,794—occurred in Congo, the African Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported, with 535 of the 541 reported deaths.

The numbers are likely underestimated, as only about one in five suspected cases in Congo are tested for mpox. The Director-General of the African CDC, Dr. Jean Kaseya, stated that many affected African countries have limited testing and surveillance capacities.


In the past week, Congo recorded 1,030 of the 1,405 new cases in Africa according to statistics provided on Tuesday evening by the African CDC. Only 16% of cases have been confirmed by virological tests, but the infections match the agency’s disease definition.

The rising number of mpox cases in Africa and a new strain of the virus identified in Congo which could be more easily transmissible led the WHO to declare a global health emergency last week.

Some hope that this will encourage donors to share vaccines and other aid to curb the outbreaks in Africa before cases spread internationally, with Sweden reporting a case of the new variant of mpox first observed in eastern Congo.

The WHO has already stated that its previous efforts to raise donations for mpox have failed to secure a single dollar from donors.

Dr. Kaseya from the African CDC indicated that his organization had received a promise of 215,000 mpox vaccines from the European Union and vaccine manufacturer Bavarian Nordic, set to arrive in the coming days. The U.S. aid agency reported it has donated another 50,000 doses of the same vaccine to Congo. Japan has also donated a few doses to Congo.

However, Africa likely needs many more. The health minister of Congo stated that his country alone needs three million doses of vaccine to end the outbreaks in the country, which have spread to at least four neighboring African countries.


Unequal Treatment of Africa

A global mpox outbreak that occurred in 2022 in over 70 countries was controlled within a few months thanks to vaccines and treatments made available in wealthy countries, but virtually no doses reached Africa. The virus had spread largely unnoticed for years in Nigeria and elsewhere before raising international concern. Since then, the virus has continued to regularly make people sick in Congo, with little effective containment efforts.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa criticized the global response to the 2022 outbreak, calling it unfair, as treatments and vaccines were made available to wealthy Western countries while Africa received little support. In a statement, he urged the international community to ensure “equitable access” to diagnostics and mpox vaccines this time around.

Mr. Ramaphosa’s comments evoked memories of the anger in Africa that was largely excluded from vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, Africa received doses much later than wealthier countries and often had to pay more in some cases.

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control recommended last week that travelers to areas affected by mpox check to see if they might be eligible for vaccination, a move that could increase the pressure to obtain mpox shots.

Dr. Kaseya explained that mpox is “growing and spreading” now as countries wait for doses. While Congo was clearly the country raising the most concern, he noted that cases in neighboring Burundi had more than doubled to 572 in one week.

Dr. Kaseya also called for “solidarity” from the international community regarding mpox and specifically urged against imposing travel bans similar to those for COVID-19 on African countries that would isolate them, as the disease is not as easily transmissible.

“Do not punish Africa,” he pleaded. “We need you to provide it with appropriate support. This vaccine is expensive.”

Emerging Trends in Mpox Prevalence and Response in Africa

The recent surge of mpox cases in Africa, particularly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, highlights a growing concern regarding viral transmission and effective responses to outbreaks. As health authorities report that 94% of the 18,910 cases in 2024 originated from Congo, it becomes evident that urgent measures are necessary. Inadequate testing capabilities, with only about 20% of suspected cases being confirmed, reflect the profound challenges faced in managing this health crisis.

The World Health Organization’s recent declaration of a global health emergency underscores the potential for the virus to cause a wider outbreak, especially with a new variant identified that may spread more easily. This evolving landscape necessitates increased international collaboration and support, particularly for African nations that have historically received limited resources during health emergencies. The disparity in access to vaccines and treatments experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic raises important questions about equity in global health responses.

As concerns grow over the unequal distribution of medical resources, African leaders, including South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, demand fair access to diagnostics and vaccines. The sentiment echoes previous frustrations experienced during the coronavirus pandemic, where wealthy nations secured vaccines early while many African countries were left without sufficient supplies. This time, the call for equitable health strategies is amplified, aiming to ensure that African countries are not sidelined in the global fight against mpox.

Potential future trends might include the establishment of more robust testing and surveillance systems across Africa. Countries are likely to advocate for increased funding and resources from international health organizations and governments to combat outbreaks more effectively. There might also be a push for collaborative research efforts focused on understanding the virus’s transmission dynamics and the need for tailored vaccines that could be rapidly deployed in affected regions.

Moreover, as public health policies adapt to these emerging threats, the imposition of travel bans as seen during the COVID-19 crisis may be reconsidered. Experts like Dr. Kaseya emphasize the need for solidarity in addressing mpox without disproportionately punishing affected countries. This shift could foster a more supportive global community response that prioritizes collaboration over restriction.

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