Pay MPEE These are done monthly and to know how much amount you should charge, you just have to enter the note.
Find out the payment date and new amount of MPPE payments for teachers in Venezuela. | Libero Composition
He Ministry of Popular Power for Education (MPPE) In Venezuela it is the entity in charge of implementing Biweekly and Monthly Payments Through their salary. Do you want to know how much amount will be distributed during the next few days of July?
Taking this into account, a large number of MPPE teachers will get paid in July 2024, and the delivery date for the first half of the payroll for this seventh month of the year has recently been announced. Therefore, In Libero we will provide you with more information about this disbursement And more important details.
When will MPPE teachers be paid for the first half of July 2024?
Through official channels, the Government of Nicolás Maduro The report said that payments of 1,462.00 Bolivars began to be made in the form of Sestatickets until June 25, 2024. MPPE personnel, including teachers, administrators, and staff.
In addition, during Second half of the monthTeachers across the country also receive the corresponding deposits into their respective payroll accounts.
This is how MPPE teachers will be paid. Photo: Telegram
What is the new amount of first fortnightly payment to MPPE workers?
According to the official MPPE payment channel, the Ministry of Education deposited 1,462.00 bolivars, equivalent to 40.08 dollars, according to the established exchange rate. Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV),
Who collects the payment for the MPPE July 2024 fortnight?
He MPPE It provides for the distribution of various economic bonuses to active personnel, so fortnightly payments benefit teachers, workers and administrators across the country.
How to collect payment for MPPE assessment for July 2024?
If you are a beneficiary of the amount of assessment payment for July 2024 Ministry of Popular Power for EducationYou will receive payment through the following financial institutions:
- Bank of Venezuela
- Bicentennial Bank
What to do to get paid for MPPE assessment?
Workers in the administrative and labor personnel sector receive a fair amount according to their work performance, which is based on level, quality and efficiency. Similarly, there is also an evaluation scale, which is as follows:
- Much lower than expected: 1
- Below Expectations: 2
- Within Expectations: 3
- Required about: 4
- Exceptional: 5
How to download your MPPE payment slip?
- Enter the official portal of MPPE worker self-management,
- Select ‘Authenticated User’ and enter your identity card, bank account (last four digits) and year of birth.
- After logging in, go to ‘Payment Receipt’ and complete the form.
- Click on ‘Generate Payment Receipt’ and the system will show you your receipt.
- Select the option ‘Download payment receipt in PDF format’ and that’s it.
What do MPPE teachers get paid?
teacher of Ministry of Popular Power for Education (MPPE) In Venezuela they get paid for the first and second fortnights, Sestheticate Y Economic War Bondage,