Mr. Albares: “Impossible” to control illegal migratory flows “without the collaboration of Morocco”

by times news cr

“Without the collaboration of the Moroccan security forces and the excellent work of the Spanish security forces, it would be impossible to carry out control of the illegal migration phenomenon,” Albares stressed in an interview with the television channel “Antena 3”.

According to the head of Spanish diplomacy, “no country in the world, however powerful, can face this phenomenon alone”, emphasizing the “complexity” of managing this scourge and facing the attacks of people who “seek a better life, putting their lives in danger”.

“What we need to do is to further improve and strengthen our cooperation with Morocco and with the countries of origin and transit. Europe and the European Commission must be involved,” Albares observed.

“Cooperation between Europe and countries of origin and transit must be strengthened, and technological means must be provided to prevent this kind of attack from happening again,” he insisted.

Illegal migrants from sub-Saharan African countries attempted a group assault on the metal fence in the province of Nador on Friday morning, using very violent methods and causing a huge stampede and fatal falls from the top of the fence.

The latest report stated that 23 illegal sub-Saharan Africans had died. One member of the police force and 18 attackers are still under medical surveillance.

This attempted forced entry, in which 140 members of the police force were injured to varying degrees, was marked by the use of unprecedented violence by the candidates for irregular immigration against the members of the police force, who acted professionally and in compliance with the laws and regulations.

Armed with stones, batons and sharp objects, these would-be illegal immigrants put up violent resistance to the police, who were mobilized to prevent them from crossing the fence, as shown in the images (photos and videos) circulating on the web and social networks since last Friday.

2024-08-16 05:07:04

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