Mr. Three-dimensional – the world as a series of images

by time news

2023-04-23 17:32:01

The opening of Janusz Obst, an artist of modern times, took place in the Gallery of the Polish and Slavic Center. It would seem that nothing can surprise the viewer anymore, and yet …

Elizabeth Popławska

The artist’s three-dimensional paintings – a convex relief – turned out to be a great attraction both for the viewers who came into contact with this type of art for the first time, but also for the numerous recognized artistic authorities who came. The incredible dynamics, expression and color of the presented reliefs show the earthly and spiritual experiences of man…

Janusz Obst, “Hell’s Kitchen Witches”

When asked about his artistic interests, Janusz Obst replied that he had always wanted to sculpt. Human sensitivity and talent are not only genes, which are probably the basis, but also the family in which you grow up and the world around you. He had the warmest memories of Zamość, where he was born, and his grandparents. This is a unique city where the old town is called the “Pearl of the Renaissance” or “Padua of the North” and has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Janusz Obst and his wife Małgorzata

Janusz Obst, as a young navy soldier, then a merchant navy, traveled a lot around the world: he visited Europe, Africa, India, and China. This stimulated his inherent interest in sculpture and bas-relief. As he emphasized: “I am already an aged artist, creating works that earned me the nickname Mr. three-dimensional. After countless experiences and adventures in the world of art, I decided to start collecting observations and thoughts on the ongoing discussion about art, its definition, its place in the 21st century and our interactions with it. I have been drawing, painting and sculpting since I can remember. I emphasize skill, care, honesty and heart in a professional sense. And despite a life full of escapades, no one managed to distract me from this passion. The simple truth is that my mind has always seen the world as a series of images; this is how I navigate my place both in life and in the world of art.”

CP-S President Marian Żak (second from right) with artists from the music group (from left): Mike McGinnis, Jennifer Vincent and Gino Sitson

The evening was complemented by a musical performance by the equally original musician Gino Sitson with the band: Jennifer Vincent – cello and vocals, Mike McGinnis – clarinet and vocals. Gino Sitson is an interesting vocalist and drummer, as well as a composer. He graduated in musicology at the Sorbonne in Paris, where he also received his doctorate. He has already released eight of his music albums.

Drawing of the lottery winner by the members of the CP-S Board of Directors (from the left): Zbigniew Solarz, Bożena Konkiel, Paweł Pachacz, Marian Żak

At the end of the evening there was a lottery prepared by the management of CP-S, the prize was a ticket to Poland. Income from the lottery will be used for scholarships for Polish students.

Janusz Obst, “West Village”

The sponsor of the evening was Centrum Polsko-Słowiańskie. They were represented by representatives of the CP-S Board of Directors: President Marian Żak, Vice-President Paweł Pachacz, Treasurer Zbigniew Solarz and Secretary Bożena Konkiel, who invited everyone to the Festival of Polish Music, which will take place in CP-S on April 30.

#Threedimensional #world #series #images

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