‘Mrs. Hitler’ serial star Alice Christie sharing wedding pictures

by time news

Alice had previously stated that the marriage was arranged by the family

He was married to serial actress Alice Christie on November 18. Alice’s groom is Sajin Saji Samuel from Pathanamthitta. Only close relatives and friends attended the wedding. Alice has shared wedding pictures for fans.

Alice had previously stated that the marriage was arranged by the family. The marriage was first solemnized in November. Kovid’s third wave was postponed to September, saying it would be better to do it at that time and to do it a little earlier. By then, the IMO’s news had come out that there should be no celebrations in August or September, “said Alice, who said the wedding was delayed.

Alice was spotted on the serial ‘Ice Age’ which was telecast on Manorama in the rain. Later she played notable roles in several serials including Streepadam and Kasturiman. Alice, who has starred in a number of popular serials, is currently starring in the series ‘Mrs. Hitler’ in C Kerala.

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