Mrs. Mitsotakis: May 21st will be the Sunday of great independent Greece

by time news

2023-04-19 21:11:49

“Here, with the union of 1864, the first territorial expansion of our homeland took place. It is a place that is synonymous with national progress. Your message will resonate. May 21st will be the Sunday of the great self-reliance of Greece”, emphasized Kyriakos Mitsotakis speaking at a New Democracy rally in Corfu, after the presentation of the development program of the region of the Ionian Islands that preceded

“The Ionian Sea is and will remain blue. Judging by your presence, it will be getting bluer and bluer. I can see the drive of all Greeks to move forward. I imagine that this message would also be received by Mr. Tsipras who was recently on your island. Unfortunately, not to celebrate Easter, but to repeat his miserable lies about a country that is having its poorest holidays. While the whole world around was rejoicing in a Corfu flooded with smiles and optimism. These smiles are the best response to the representative of gray and gloom,” the Prime Minister continued.

Mr. Mitsotakis noted that the Greece of 2023 has nothing to do with the Greece of 2019 with our country, as he said, having the place it deserves in Europe and the world.

Investment grade in 2023 with stable and strong government

The prime minister emphasized that he kept all the pre-election commitments he had made in 2019, pointing out that all this happened while the country faced successive external crises. “We kept our borders impregnable and at the same time during the pandemic we supported the economy and society. Today everything is really different”, he noted and emphasized that he prefers comparison to conflict.

Mr. Mitsotakis, among other things, pledged that the country will regain investment grade in 2023 if a stable and strong government emerges from the elections.

The prime minister also referred to the strengthening of the Armed Forces, the extension of territorial waters to 12 miles in the Ionian Sea and the research to find hydrocarbons south of Crete.

“I know very well that wages in our country, despite the increases, are still low, that many households are being tested by the introduced accuracy and in the state there are still pockets of anachronism that are resisting, that bolder reforms are needed in health,” he added.

What SYRIZA promises will lead either to a new tsunami of taxes or to a new memorandum

The Prime Minister referred in detail to the infrastructure projects carried out in Corfu since 2019 and in all the Ionian Islands, as well as the development plan of the region.

“It is true that much of what I mentioned above should have been done. The beginning has been made and there is no room to go back to the past that we left behind”, he said, among other things. Mr. Mitsotakis noted that if what SYRIZA promises becomes a reality, it will lead either to a tsunami of new taxes, or to a new memorandum.

“There will not be a second time in the calamity, but a second order to prevent it,” he emphasized and pledged for better wages for all and sundry in the second four-year period.

Regarding the decision of the European Parliament to finance the extension of the fence in the Evros, he said that he “gave a resounding answer to Mr. Papadimoulis and SYRIZA”.

On May 21, we move steadily, boldly, only forward

Referring to the “My Home” housing program for young people, Kyriakos Mitsotakis from Corfu emphasized that the program is already running out and pledged to double the relevant funds.

The prime minister also said that civil servants will become permanent after a two-year trial period. “As we did what we said, we will keep our commitments for tomorrow”, he underlined.

The dilemma, he said, of May 21 is whether to march forward or backward. “Do we want ND with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis or SYRIZA with Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras at the helm? So simple and so clear. The questions arise so clearly from the comparison. Back to taxes or continue with relief? Are we asking for a country with free vines or a shielded Greece? With yesterday’s SYRIZA or tomorrow’s ND? So simple and so clear”, he underlined.

Referring to the simple analogy, he emphasized that our country does not need adventures and experiments. “No frivolous protest votes are allowed. No wrong decision at the ballot box will be vindicated later. May 21st will determine who will rule Greece. The stronger the message, the more easily the second showdown will strong-arm the winner to rule the country properly. We want decisions to be made quickly and not lost between partners who ultimately turn out to be incompatible. The country cannot afford to waste time looking for an unknown X as prime minister”, he noted, while saying that “if the numbers come out, our opponents will not hesitate to ally, as they are “united by hatred for ND and me personally”. “Let it be. Their attacks, our awards,” he added.

The prime minister stressed that times are uncertain and a firm hand at the wheel is needed. “It leads to a choice. Self-reliant Greece and self-reliant SW. Self-reliance also means something else. It means spaciousness. The ND is a large spacious array. I vowed to expand ND and make it a winner again. I kept my commitment in full,” he emphasized.

“On May 21 we are not going back. We are moving steadily, boldly, only forward,” he said, closing his speech.

#Mitsotakis #21st #Sunday #great #independent #Greece

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