MS: This is not how disease can manage us

by time news

MS is an autoimmune disease – a disease in which the immune system attacks the body. In the case of multiple sclerosis the immune system attacks the shell of the nerve cells in the central nervous system. Injury to the central nervous system can cause weakness of the hand or foot, numbness or numbness, urinary disturbance, damage to the visual system, lack of coordination, problems with concentration or memory and physical or mental fatigue.

It is an unpleasant disease at all. But with the development of the medical world there is a wide range of treatments beyond the basic drug treatment, and together they can give a holistic overall solution and patients can continue with their life routine almost as usual. There are about 7,000 people in Israel who are diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and every year about 200 new cases are diagnosed. The disease appears at a young age, between 20 and 40, and it occurs in women 3 times more than men.

In this period of life, in the third and fourth decade, we are busy building careers and family and a chronic illness may delay or change the plans. Most illnesses appear in late life when there is already an economic and family foundation and support circles that help. On the other hand, sclerosis appears at the peak of life, a period in which sometimes the aging parents also have to be supported at the same time as raising the children and building a career.

So how can one still cope with the disease and succeed? Not a simple challenge. I see in the hospital a wide range of struggles and try to help as much as possible to get on the right path. There are patients for whom the disease becomes the center of life and there are those who manage to maintain a normal life routine with work, relationships, friends and so on.

First, in dealing with multiple sclerosis or any chronic or complex disease, it is worthwhile Learn about the disease. The information is plentiful everywhere just need to devote time to it. You will learn about the disease, you will understand its biological mechanism, what are the treatments, the risk factors, everything that is important to know.

After researching and learning, it’s time To select the appropriate drug treatment. Today there is a wide range of drugs with different mechanisms of action, a varied form of administration (injection, infusion or pill) and varying frequency of administration. Sometimes it happens that you start treatment with a drug and see that it is ineffective or alternatively has side effects and then need to be replaced, but it is very important to have your hand on the pulse, stay alert, you can also keep a record of symptoms and side effects.

Another important point is Beyond a healthy diet Based on Mediterranean cuisine. It is recommended to eat fruits in the morning and vegetables in the evening and at large meals legumes and whole grains, olive oil, fish and lean parts of chicken. No large quantities of beef are needed. A blood test will find out if you are deficient in any vitamins accordingly, you can consume from your diet or as supplements.

Once you have found the medication that is best for you and started eating healthy, it is time Take care of the mind. In the words of the Roman poet “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. Easy to say, easy to write, but I know it’s very difficult to implement and still highly recommend. Each and every one and what he “connects” to. It can be yoga, meditation, psychotherapy, or anything else that does you good, that calms the spirit. Many studies have shown the devastating effects of “stress” on our lives and inflammatory diseases in particular – here in the case of multiple sclerosis.

Most if not all patients can also exercise. Studies on the subject have shown that Aerobic exercise Reduces the feeling of fatigue and improves mood and quality of life. Each one has a different sport, and in any case it is important to start slowly, gradually and supervised. The most important thing is to persevere and the results can be seen and felt. Beyond the strength of the muscles and bone that can be seen outwardly, exercise also has a positive effect on cognition, especially on the speed of information processing, attention and memory.

In conclusion, multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease, but in the 21st century with technological developments, it is a disease that can be routinely managed. My advice was given based on academic research and based on what I see in my work at the clinic. Different patients, with different coping mechanisms, respond differently to their disease regardless of its severity. It is not a simple disease, its management is not easy and certainly alongside caring for young children or aging parents and functioning at work. At the same time, it is worth striving for the delicate balance of responsible management of the disease without indulging in it and not giving up the right to a complete and complete experience of the healthy parts of our lives.

For each patient I will tailor a different medication, but for all patients I will recommend a healthy diet, mental health care and body care. One must remember: it is possible and necessary to be optimistic about using the support circles and living together alongside the disease.

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