MSP officials receive training on Regulations for the Promotion of Health at Work – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Quito, April 4, 2023

This April 4, 2023 in Quito, the training for the implementation of the “Regulation for the Promotion of Health at Work” was inaugurated. This workshop was possible through coordination between the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) and the University of the Americas (UDLA).

This Regulation for the Promotion of Health at Work seeks to promote the participation of employers throughout the country focused on practices and healthy lifestyles in order to control and improve health conditions and quality of life for the benefit of the entire company. working population.

Andrea Bersosa, Undersecretary of Promotion, Intercultural Health and Equality of the MSP, highlighted the joint work between this State portfolio and the academy. She argued that it is essential to create learning spaces to guarantee the rights of our officials and, in turn, improve the quality of care for citizens, framed in the Ten-Year Health Plan 2022-2031.

Likewise, he emphasized that the construction of public policies, aimed at promoting health, serves as advice and accompaniment to better implement this regulation. “We must identify the risks of our workers and guarantee compliance with the Ten-Year Health Plan that emphasizes prevention and health promotion,” he said.

For his part, Juan Pablo Piedra, director of the Master’s Degree in Occupational Safety and Health at the University of the Americas (UDLA), said that the Swiss ARIPE method, in the learning and evaluation process, is effective in improving health and well-being in the workplace. “It is necessary to raise awareness of the issues of promoting health at work so that each official can take care of his work environment,” he explained.

The topics to be discussed in these three days of workshops are: 1) ARIPE method to educate in health promotion; 2) Working Conditions: physical, chemical, biological agents, ergonomic and psychosocial factors; and 3) Health conditions in healthy eating: physical and recreational activity, prevention of harmful consumption, sexual and reproductive health, promotion of mental health and promotion of breastfeeding.

The workshop will take place until April 6, with the participation of more than 40 delegated officials from the country’s nine zonal health coordination offices.


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