MSP opens call for 23 mental health professionals – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-08-19 20:52:04

Quito, August 19, 2023

The process will be open from August 21 to 23, 2023.

He The Ministry of Public Health initiated the call to hire 23 new mental health professionals. These additions will allow the implementation of the Intensive Outpatient Service (SAI), at the first level of care.

The application for these vacancies can be made from August 21 to 23, 2023, through the Encuentra Empleo web portal:

To register you must follow the following steps:

1. Sign in or register

2. Look for the option “Public Sector”

3. Search for the MSP job offer

4. Apply to the vacancy in the profile or enter the offer number.

Currently, 11 psychiatrists, 8 occupational therapists and 4 clinical psychologists are required. Mental health professionals will be distributed in Health zones 1, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and are added to the 178 mental health professionals incorporated in 2023.

DETAILAREA / ESTABLISHMENTOFFER NUMBER1Psychiatric Specialist Physician 1Luis Gabriel Dávila General Hospital
Zonal Coordination 1OFERTA-00042901-20232Medical Specialist Psychiatry 1General Esmeraldas Sur Hospital Delfina Torres de Concha
Zonal Coordination 1OFERTA-00042906-20233Medical Specialist Psychiatry 1General Hospital Marco Vinicio Iza
Zonal Coordination 1OFFER-00042908-20234Medical Specialist Psychiatry 1Hospital Basic Shushufindi
Zonal Coordination 1OFERTA-00042910-20235Medical Specialist Psychiatry 1General Hospital María Velasco Ibarra
Zonal Coordination 2OFFER-00042913-20236 Medical Specialist Psychiatry 1Puyo Provincial Hospital
Zonal Coordination 3OFERTA-00042917-20237Medical Specialist Psychiatry 1Liborio Panchana General Hospital
Zonal Coordination 5OFERTA-00042918-20238Medical Specialist Psychiatry 1Hospital León Becerra Camacho
Zonal Coordination 5OFERTA-00042919-20239Medical Specialist Psychiatry 1General Hospital Martin Icaza
Zonal Coordination 5OFERTA-00042920-202310Medical Specialist Psychiatry 1General Teófilo Dávila Provincial Hospital
Zonal Coordination 7OFERTA-00042921-202311Psychiatry Specialist Physician 1General Julios Doepfer Provincial Hospital
Zonal Coordination 7 OFFER-00042923-202312 Occupational Therapist District Office 21D02 Lago Agrio Salud OFFER-00042927-202313 Occupational Therapist District Office 02D04 Caluma Echeandia Las Naves – Salud OFFER-00042928-202314 Therapist O Cupacional District Office 12D02 Pueblo Viejo Urdaneta -Salud OFFER-00042930-202315 Occupational Therapist District Office 12D05 Palenque Vinces -Salud OFFER- 00042931-202316 Occupational Therapist District Office 12D03 Quevedo Mocache_Salud OFFER-00042932-202317 Occupational Therapist District Office 0104 Chordeleg Gualaceo – Salud OFFER-00042933-202318 Occupational Therapist Zonal Coordination 7 – Health OFFER-00042934-202319 Occupational Therapist District Office 09D24 Duran – Health OFFER-00042935-202320 Clinical Psychologist Zonal Coordination 1 – Health OFFER-00042936- 202321 Clinical Psychologist Zonal Coordination 5 – Health OFFER-00042937-202322 Clinical Psychologist Zonal Coordination 6 – Health OFFER-00042938-202323 Clinical Psychologist Zonal Coordination 7 – Health OFFER-00042939-2023

The MSP guarantees comprehensive care for people who face difficulties related to the problematic use of alcohol, tobacco and other substances, as well as those who suffer from severe mental disorders. To this end, it executes the Comprehensive Strategy for the Mental Health Approach with an investment of approximately $25 million.

#MSP #opens #call #mental #health #professionals #Ministry #Public #Health

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