MSP strengthens health promotion with a workshop for its territory staff – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Riobamba, March 30, 2023

In Riobamba, this Thursday, March 30, the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) led the opening of the First National Workshop on “Educommunicational Methodologies for Health Promotion” that will run until tomorrow, March 31, with the participation of officials of the Zonal Coordinations 2 and 3.

The same workshop will also be held in the coming days in other cities of the country, including Guayaquil, Cuenca and Quito, covering the rest of the zonal coordinations.

It is aimed at health professionals who carry out health promotion actions in the territories of the nine Zonal Coordinations, 140 Districts, and 140 first-level health care establishments nationwide. In total, more than 280 officials will participate.

Strengthening technical capacities, abilities, skills and aptitudes through methods, techniques and tools for education and communication for health promotion, is the main objective of this workshop, facilitated by a team from the Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo – ESPOCH, School of Health Promotion.

This is one of the pioneer academic institutions in the country in training third level professionals in “Health Promotion” and fourth level training in “Public Health”.

With training initiatives, spaces for synergy between the MSP and ESPOCH are generated. “Articulating joint actions allows exchanging ideas and working according to the territorial need. The academy plays a fundamental role in the development of public policies with a focus on social service,” said Tomas Marcelo Nicolalde, dean of the ESPOCH Faculty of Health.

By strengthening the work of the health promotion teams, the empowerment of healthy practices in the population is also promoted, as well as tools for the work planned within the framework of the Comprehensive Family, Community and Intercultural Health Care Model.

Pablo Cuvi, National Health Promotion Specialist of the MSP, indicated that these workshops are intended to ensure the rapprochement of professionals with the community through methodologies and strategies focused on health promotion and prevention. “The personnel trained with this training process will be able to apply actions of social interaction with the general population in the territories of Ecuador.”


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