MSP will implement digital systems for the registration of information and timely care of patients – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

2023-07-26 01:10:00

Quito, July 25, 2023

Ecuador is the sixth country in the region to adopt a digital transformation agenda in health

The National Government advances towards digital transformation in the health sector to strengthen access, coverage and quality in medical care. This Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at the Calderón Teaching Hospital in Quito, the symposium on digital health challenges in Ecuador was held.

The activity is part of the digital health agenda project that is part of the Ten-Year Health Plan (PDS) 2022-203, a public policy that implies a new managerial management model with digitized processes for the provision of health services and even telemedicine in remote places.

Among the authorities who led the opening of the symposium were Karla Flores, Undersecretary of Strengthening the National Health System of the Vice Presidency; José Ruales, Minister of Public Health; and Juan Pablo Velasco, manager of the Calderón General Teaching Hospital.

While among the panelists there were representatives of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), Collaborative Network of the Americas (RECAINSA), Health Movement 20-30; Dos Hemisferios University, Social Security Institute (IESS); Baca Ortiz, General Latacunga and Nanegalito Hospitals.

Minister José Ruales assured that we are in the digital era in health. “Ecuador has an Agenda for Digital Transformation in Health programmed and financed until the year 2027, whose total investment will be $50 million dollars.”

This technological leap will allow the integration and improvement of information management and security with applications that allow the exchange of information under international health standards. Go from printed forms for registration and clinical history to digital clinical history that will have patient information and will be visible in health establishments in the country.

Likewise, this strategy will allow access to telemedicine and preventive health services in rural areas and aimed at priority groups, connecting them with specialists anywhere in the country from the point of residence.

Karla Flores indicated that this transformation work is an innovation process. “It constitutes not only a technological change, but also a personnel structure and a new conception of the patient and her care. Digital health brings citizens closer to a safer and quality service. I congratulate the Hospital for the initiative, it is the beginning of a real change with better comprehensive and equitable health practices”.

Likewise, Juan Pablo Velasco pointed out that the digital transformation project is a reality in this health establishment. He thanked all the staff and expressed “without you this work would not be possible, we recognize your work for the benefit of our patients, the telemedicine team breaks the distance barriers to provide timely care to the population.” Addressing Minister Ruales, he said that thanks to his management, this important milestone in the country’s public health is now possible.

Currently, the Básico de Nanegalito, General Docente de Calderón, Baca Ortiz Pediatric Hospital, Latacunga General Hospital, Monte Sinaí and El Cisne Health Center in the Galapagos provide telemedicine services. To date, the first phase is being developed, with an investment of $15 million in 1,059 health establishments in which more than 9,000 pieces of equipment such as computers and UPS equipment have been delivered.

“We are the 6th country in Central and South America to adopt the digital health agenda that includes the renewal of equipment, computer packages, training and education on a national scale. To implement digital systems and subsystems, clinical information, plans and projects focused on strengthening the digital ecosystem and the integration and interoperability of the systems of the Complementary Public and Private Network are required, ”said the health authority.

The symposium will take place until July 26, 2023 and will address topics on the Ten-Year Health Plan; Digital Health Technical Standard in Ecuador; interoperability (IPS) and advances in the use of personal data in digital health and the experience of Argentina. It also includes a round table on the challenges, critical issues and actions to implement the telemedicine service.


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