Munich: This dog can sniff out child porn Regional

by time news

2023-06-28 16:04:18

Munich – You sense the horror…

Cocker “Chip” and German shepherd “Dimi” convict the most terrible criminals: They sniff out mobile phones and USB sticks. On which child porn is stored.

On Tuesday, Chip and DImi went with other data carrier detection dogs from the central service dog school (in Herzogau, Bavaria) – together with 270 officers, the dogs searched the apartments of 55 people (20 to 79) throughout Bavaria.

Disk tracking Dimi

Photo: Sebastian Widmann/Bavarian State Chancellery

The result of “Operation Wake-up call” under the direction of the cybercrime department of the LKA and the central office Cybercrime Bayern (ZCB): The investigators secured more than 2700 IT devices and storage media: 96 computers and laptops, 118 mobile devices in the form of smartphones and tablets, 101 hard drives and around 2400 other storage media. Bravo Chip! Bravo Dimi!

The alleged perpetrators are said to have owned, acquired or distributed child pornography. All are at large. There is no commercial background, said senior public prosecutor Thomas Goger from the ZCB.

Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) spoke of a sensitive blow to the perpetrators. “In many cases, the mostly virtual content was preceded by a very real, serious abuse of children,” said Herrmann.

Chief Prosecutor Thomas Goger

Foto: picture alliance/dpa

The fight against child pornography is becoming increasingly important

According to the Ministry of the Interior, the distribution, acquisition, possession and production of child pornographic content is increasing rapidly. The Bavarian police recorded an increase in the number of cases by around 27 percent compared to the previous year, compared to 2019 by more than 270 percent (2019: 1735; 2021: 5070; 2022: 6460 cases).

Herrmann called this development frightening. “We must therefore do everything we can to combat child pornography and the child abuse behind it.”

The nightmare of data criminals: Working Cocker Chip

Photo: Sven Hoppe/dpa

Decisive for this: the backup of criminally relevant data carriers such as smartphones, USB sticks, SIM cards and laptops. The Bavarian police have been training data carrier detection dogs as a pilot project since February 2021. Since the end of 2021, the dogs have been used 138 times in Bavaria, and 65 pieces of evidence have been found. 13 animals are currently available.

also read

And how do the dogs get to the hidden mobile phones? “They are conditioned to it,” he says, spokesman for the Bavarian riot police, Markus Kern.

“The training lasts at least eight weeks. The dogs are rewarded with a toy when they find one – this motivates them to look for it.”

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