Municipal social service agency drastically reduces public care

by time news

2023-04-17 18:10:00

Reducing the budget by 10 billion, preparing self-rescue measures
Termination of long-term care and childcare services
Strong opposition from labor unions and civil society

The Seoul Social Services Service (hereafter Seosawon), which is at the crossroads of existence due to a budget cut of 10 billion won this year, decided to end consignment operations such as long-term care direct services and daycare centers. Stop hiring full-time care workers (nursing care workers, disabled activity support workers) and implement voluntary retirement.

On the 17th, Seo Sawon announced its own innovation plan with the same content. Previously, the Seoul Metropolitan Council cut 10 billion won out of the 16.8 billion won contributions submitted by the Seoul Metropolitan Government at the end of last year, demanding self-rescue from the Seo Sawon.

Seosawon decided to end the long-term care service that overlaps with the private sector and focus on niche care that the private sector avoids. With the end of direct service, full-time employment of caring workers will also be suspended. The disabled activity support project will be converted into an emergency care center that supports daytime activities for people with severe developmental disabilities. We will continue to provide emergency care services due to infectious diseases such as COVID-19 or emergencies by utilizing a pool of short-term contract workers.

organization is also reduced. Comprehensive home care centers currently operating in 12 autonomous districts will be merged into 4 by region, and service management without commuting for care workers will be implemented as a pilot project. The headquarters building will also be reduced in size and moved from Mapo (approximately 1068㎡) to Dapsimni (approximately 671㎡).

Consignment projects that have provided similar or identical services to the private sector will be terminated sequentially. Seven national day care centers and two day care centers fall into this category. At the end of September, the contract will be terminated from Songpa Deundeun Daycare Center.

Seosawon plans to accept early retirement applicants in consultation with the city following the end of the entrusted operation of the affiliated institution. Employees with more than 1 year and less than 20 years of service are eligible. An amount equivalent to 6 months of the monthly salary at the time of retirement is paid as an early retirement allowance. This plan will be implemented after consultation with the city and the city council.

Hwang Jeong-il, CEO of Seo Sa-won, said, “We will largely cut out wrong practices and inefficiencies in order to overcome the organizational crisis.”

Seosawon labor union and civil society strongly objected. About 10 organizations, including the Seo Sa-won branch of the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, the Seoul Metropolitan Government of the Justice Party, and political mothers, held a press conference in front of City Hall on the same day to launch the ‘Seoul City Public Care Countermeasure Committee’ and said, “We will together prevent the unilateral reduction of public care.” revealed

Reporter Gu Yun-mo [email protected]

[ⓒ 세계일보 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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