municipal teachers newly hired in the civil service by former minister Guillaume Hawing

by times news cr

2024-09-08 18:45:31

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Pleased with their integration into the civil service, the newly hired municipal teachers do not forget to thank all those near or far who supported them in their approach.

In this vein, these teachers represented by their various regional leaders were this Saturday at the home of the former Minister of Pre-university Education and Literacy, Guillaume Hawing, to thank him and express their gratitude to the President of the Guinean transition, General Mamadi Doumbouya, who, according to them, was willing to settle their case.
According to Alsény Mabinty Camara, national coordinator of new hired teachers, “the contract teachers’ file is a file that is more than 12 years old. Before the CNRD, we had knocked on every door for our commitment without success. We had traveled around for the Guinean school hoping that we would be hired, but without success. We lived only in promises. Moreover, other authorities at the time denied our existence. It took the arrival of the CNRD for our file to be on the agenda again. We are therefore convinced that had it not been for the CNRD’s arrival in power on September 5, we would still be in the cash drawer of oblivion. It is therefore our duty to come, through you Mr. Hawing, to say thank you to the President of the Republic and to all those who fought in this file, including you. If we are civil servants today, it is thanks to the CNRD regime. Otherwise, we would still be on the sidelines. We will be eternally grateful to the President of the Republic and to all those who were involved in this matter…”
Touched by this act of recognition, the former head of the Pre-university Education department joined these happy winners to once again thank the Head of State.

“This Saturday, September 7, 2024, all the coordinators of the newly hired teachers of the 8 regional inspections of the country came, through me, to say thank you to the President of the Republic and to all those who fought for their new status: commitment of 10,000 new teachers on behalf of the MEPUA. To these words full of meaning because they translate recognition, I welcomed the initiative and reminded the new municipal civil servant teachers that the shining castle of their commitment has one and only name: General Mamadi Doumbouya, Head of State, President of the Republic, who has always put education at the center of his priorities. We ministers were only highlighting the vision and policy of the Head of State. I also reminded the new civil servants that the Head of State does not tolerate injustice. This is why he had instructed to reinstate the Franco-Arab scholarship holders who had spent more than ten years without benefiting from scholarships. Today it is your turn, you contract teachers, you who have made more than 12 years of unfulfilled promises. The President of the Republic has repaired the wrong that you have endured for more than a decade. I took the opportunity to give many other pieces of advice to these young new civil servants on certain ethical and moral values. Advice on loyalty and fidelity to principles and the objective. I told them that each victory must be considered as a challenge for the conquest of other greater victories. I also told them that defeat must never take over in their lives, they must always know how to monetize defeat so as not to be unable to redeem victory. Gratitude is the work of great men because the ungrateful do it on purpose. Prayers were said for the Head of State and for all the teachers of the country.
Youl Keita

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