Munster, Brocciu, Fourme d’Ambert… when drought leads to softening of AOPs

by time news

Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau said in September that the summer crisis posed in the long term “the question of the model of French agriculture and its ability to resist climate change”. Orders published this Sunday in the Official Journal are proof of this. Munster, green flageolet, Quercy lamb… several PDOs and Labels Rouges have been relaxed for the winter following this summer’s drought, in particular due to a lack of hay, according to these texts.

In the case of Munster and Munster géromé cheeses, cheeses produced around the Vosges massif, cow feed can be produced at least 80% in the geographical area (against 95% previously) and at least 60% on operation (against 70% previously), until May 15, 2023.

In the Massif Central, “due to an episode of drought”, the cows that produce Fourme d’Ambert can now have up to 20% of fodder from outside the geographical area. The specifications have also been relaxed for Bleu d’Auvergne, Bleu des Causses, Corsican Brocciu and Rigotte de Condrieu.

Espelette pepper and Saint-Nectaire already concerned

Due to the drought and heat waves, many producers are no longer able to meet the requirements of the specifications, the breeders being the most exposed because of the grass that no longer grows. The Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) is the European version of the AOC (Protected Designation of Origin) for food and dairy products.

AOCs are awarded by the National Institute of Origin (INAO) to regional products (wines, cheeses, meat or charcuterie specialties) identifying both their ancestral or region-specific production method, and their production area. precise.

Out of 101 products under agri-food PDO in France, several have already obtained derogations this year on at least one point of the specifications that they are required to fulfill to keep their precious designation, such as Espelette pepper and Saint- nectary.

An extension of the date of minimum durability of the 2021 harvest

In Hauts-de-France, the Labels Rouges bean ingot and green flageolet from the Lys Valley were also entitled on Sunday to an extension of the date of minimum durability of the 2021 harvest, from 18 to 24 months. On the meat side, the maximum slaughter age in the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) “Agneau du Quercy” has been raised from 150 to 160 days, until the end of November.

Agriculture Minister Marc Fesneau said in September that the summer crisis posed in the long term “the question of the model of French agriculture and its ability to resist climate change”.

At the start of the Covid crisis in 2020, many cheese PDOs had already had to request derogations, in particular to be able to freeze cow’s milk while shops were closed. Also in 2021, the INAO had also received numerous requests for exemption due to the drought.

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