Murder case retrial after 57 years, World News

by time news

Tokyo: The murder case of 87-year-old former Japanese boxer Iwao Hakamata (pictured) is coming up for a court retrial after 57 years.

Hakamata confessed to killing his employer, his wife and two teenage children in 1968. He was subsequently sentenced to a long term of imprisonment.

எனி­னும், காவல்­து­றை­யி­னர் கொடு­மைப்­ப­டுத்­தி­ய­தால்தான் குற்­றத்தை ஒப்­புக்­கொண்­ட­தாக ஹக்­கா­மாடா கூறி­வந்­தார்.

In 2014, a regional court ruled that his murder case should be re-investigated. However, the Tokyo High Court overruled the ruling. Japan’s Supreme Court ruled in 2020 that the High Court should review its decision. The High Court has since reversed its decision.

Hakamada is said to be the world’s longest serving man for murder.

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