Murder of little Lola: parents organize a white march on November 16 in Paris

by time news

A month after the murder of their daughter, Lola’s parents announced that a white march would be organized on November 16 in the Parisian district where they lived. A tribute they want ” worthy “.

A march will take place on November 16 in Paris in tribute to Lola, the 12-year-old girl murdered on October 14, her parents announced on November 10, asking that it take place “in serenity and calm, far from political and media unrest”.

This new demonstration of support is a precious help to overcome our so painful ordeal This march will leave at 4 p.m. from a square on the Darius-Milhaud alley, to end in front of the town hall of the 19th arrondissement, where the girl and her family lived before the tragedy, which occurred in this same district of the capital. “This new demonstration of support is a precious help to overcome our so painful ordeal”declare the parents of the schoolgirl in their press release.

“Without official scarf”

“In the extension of what we have always expressed, we ask that those who come to provide their support do so in a personal capacity, without an official scarf or particular sign of belonging to any political body”they added.

Bereaved parents also ask “expressly to the media or individuals to keep the distance necessary for this tribute to be worthy”. They indicate that they will not respond to any interview request and call not to annoy the children who will be present.

A murder that shook the country

The tragic circumstances of the death of the schoolgirl, whose body was found on October 14 in a trunk, aroused great emotion in the country. The presence in France of the suspect, Dahbia B., an Algerian under an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF), has aroused virulent criticism on the right and on the side of the RN, the government castigating for its part “indecency” of this “political recovery”. The family repeatedly requested that “stop immediately” any use “the name and image of their child for political purposes”.

Dahbia B. was indicted for murder and aggravated rape then placed in pre-trial detention in Fresnes prison. As in any criminal procedure, one or more psychiatric expert opinions will be ordered during the investigation to determine the criminal responsibility of the young woman, who is said to be suffering from psychiatric disorders.

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